A Study On How To Boost Inter-Korean Academic Exchanges On Sports 체육사학 : 남북한 체육학술 교류의 활성화 방안 연구
43(5) 3-13, 2004
A Study On How To Boost Inter-Korean Academic Exchanges On Sports 체육사학 : 남북한 체육학술 교류의 활성화 방안 연구
Inter-Korean academic exchanges involving sports is essential to formulating objective programs aimed at resolving the issue of heterogeneity concerning sports between North and South Korea but, regrettably enough, the two sides have not exchanged anything to date in this regard. Concrete efforts are thus in order to materialize the intrinsic significance of inter-Korean academic exchange on matters of athletics which have so far been neglected. Plans must be formulated to erase the heterogeneous factors pertaining to sports between the two Koreas by initiating scholastic exchanges on sports reasonably acceptable to the athletic communities on both sides. Assuming that the likelihood of academic exchanges in broad terms is high between the two Koreas, parties involved in athletic affairs are encouraged to do their part to contribute to the effort of laying the groundwork for such exchanges by taking on the initiatives listed immediately below.
1) Create an environment conducive to academic exchanges on sports
2) Develop joint research projects aimed at facilitating academic exchanges on sports
3) Expand the scope of indirect exchanges and contemplate ways to evolve them into direct exchanges
4) Establish a system for support of and exchanges between similar academic organizations on sports in the two Koreas
5) Adopt strategic approaches to the inter-Korean exchanges, with a link to the assistance program for the North
6) Build the institutional and physical infrastructure necessary for academic exchanges on sports
7) Pursue academic exchanges on sports in conjunction with exchange of human resources by means of cooperation among universities
8) Promote exchanges among academic societies/associations on sports
9) Push for academic exchanges on sports with joint collaboration from the business sector and academia
Of overarching importance in the efforts to carry out inter-Korean academic exchanges on sports is complementary cooperation between the government and the sports academia. The sports academia, for its part, is advised to become the main driver of academic exchanges, and as such, maintain its autonomy while offering ideas and suggestions to the government. Meanwhile, the government should work under the premise that it is to ensure utmost independence to the sports academia in providing it with full support in terms of both institutional arrangements and physical requirements. Only when such a stable infrastructure is in place can we promote inter-Korean academic exchanges involving sportsand eventually reap the fruits of greater progress in the field of sports for both Koreas.
Key Words
north and south korea, academic exchanges on sports
A Study of the Effect of Reformative Idea on the Sport and Physical Education Policy under "Civil Government" 체육사학 : 문민개혁 이념이 체육정책에 끼친 영향에 관한 고찰
43(5) 15-21, 2004
A Study of the Effect of Reformative Idea on the Sport and Physical Education Policy under "Civil Government" 체육사학 : 문민개혁 이념이 체육정책에 끼친 영향에 관한 고찰
In terms of history of sport, the approach to the social reformation of the "Civil Government", in fact, connotes a lot of dilemma. The "Gvil Government" had a negative position on the evaluation of the "Military Government", and the sports policy had been under the favor of that 1980s' regime. That is why the sports policy had to be a object for reform and sport historians have to fall into a dilemma.
Accordingly, there would be a reflection if it was unavoidable the "Gvil Reformation Doctrine" gave rise to negative outcomes to make sports retrograde rather than progress. In addition to that, we should evaluate and diagnose whether the reflection was beyond "just reflection" or vein discussion.
In this sense, to examine closely the declining position of Korean sports, this study tried to analyze those phenomenon in terms of humanities and sociology through an approach of sport history. As a result, we could acknowledge that it was inevitable the sports domain had been a target of administrative reformation and simplification of system.
A strong drive of economic and social reform, however, deteriorated sports environment more and more. What was worse, the monetary crisis so called "IMF times" made those simplifying movement the needs of the times, so the Korean sports have levelled off more lowly.
This study have verified that Korean sports has not coped widely with those situations. Until 1990s, moreover, they did not show independent response and search of the possibility of advance. At the same time, this study also indicates that Korean sports have been struggling to be a civil group independent from any political and social interference.
Those desirable movement of today's Korean sports shows itself approaching the demands of the times: it should search its own way to advance by the change of paradigm, from dependent and passive to independent and active. We should know that such latest progressive trend is also a fruit of the reflective approach to the 1990s.
Key Words
sport and physical education policy, civil government
Changes of Korean Sports for All in Accordance with Economic Growth 체육사학 : 경제성장에 따른 생활체육의 변천
43(5) 23-34, 2004
Changes of Korean Sports for All in Accordance with Economic Growth 체육사학 : 경제성장에 따른 생활체육의 변천
The purposes of this study were to identify effects of economic growth produces on in Korean society described changes of Korean sports for all and analyzed how social change had been influential with sports for all.
The results of this study were as follows :
First, Korean sports for all have been popularized by economic growth and in high rate of economic growth it was regarded as recreation In 1962 the law for sports for all was established but most people couldn't experience sports by their low income and little free time. In 1980's sports for all formed a foundation for being popularized and people were interested in sports. In 1990's, sports for all became popularized by the increase of income and free time.
Second, the fund for sports for all promotion had been increased since 1972 with economic growth. The fund increased from 13 millions in 1972 to 531.8 billions in 2001.
Third, as Korean economy grew and the fund for sports for all increased, public facilities for sports for all were increased. Public facilities for sports for all increased from 6 in 1960, 30 in 1970, 109 in 1980, and 424 in 1990 to 4,971 in 2000.
Fourth, as national income and leisure time increased with decrease in Engel's coefficient and working hours, Korean people had took a growing interest in sports.
Fifth, in Korea sports needed much money like golf were closely related to economic condition Golfers were increasing by the increase of national income.
Korean sports for all had rapidly grown with the increase of national income and leisure time, the improvement of the national economy and measures for program of sports for all. Therefore in Korea sports for all became popular by Korean economic growth and was regarded as a welfare policy.
Key Words
economic growth, sports for all, leisure time
A Research on the Establishment and Sport Activities of the Korean Student Association in Tokyo 체육사학 : 대조선인 일본유학생 친목회의 결성과 스포츠활동에 관한 연구
손환HwanSon , 김재우JaeWooKim
43(5) 35-42, 2004
A Research on the Establishment and Sport Activities of the Korean Student Association in Tokyo 체육사학 : 대조선인 일본유학생 친목회의 결성과 스포츠활동에 관한 연구
손환HwanSon , 김재우JaeWooKim
The purpose of this research is to identity the sport activities of the Korean Student Association in Tokyo(KSAT) through the establishment and character(organization, activities and budget) of the KSAT, their thought on the physical education, and their sport activities. As a result, the following can be concluded.
These students abroad formed April 1895 a socil meeting on a purpose to enhance mutual friendship and unification and to meet the expectations their country and its people. The organization of the KSAT was run by the officers and staffs who take in charge the actual tasks, and the members participated in council. The activities included the issue of the Bulletining of the KSAT, participation in the field day of the Keiou-Gijuku, holding of the lecture and address meetings, apprenticeship and observation trip on the authorities of the Japanese government. The budget was supplied by membership fee, revenue of the bulletin sales and contributions of usual or special supporters, maintained as the ever balanced financing.
Their thought on the physical education focused on the education, and for surmounting the crises at that time that Korea faced, they emphasized the military education, that is, the performance of military gymnastics to cultivate the spirit of valor and the idea of loyalty to contribute for the independence of Korea.
Their sport activities are specified for their participation in the field day of the Keiou-Gijuku, where they also performed the Korean traditional games such as traditional foot ball and rope-skipping between themselves. The participation of the Meeting in the field day of Keiou-Gijuku is thought to have influence sports events of the organizations later formed by the students abroad.
Key Words
establishment and character, sport activities, korean student association in tokyo
Modernization and Sport in Korea, 1945-1992 체육사학 : 한국의 근대화의 스포츠, 1945-1992
43(5) 43-53, 2004
Modernization and Sport in Korea, 1945-1992 체육사학 : 한국의 근대화의 스포츠, 1945-1992
A Historical Study on the Advancement Policy of Physical Education and Sports in 1980's 체육사학 : 80년대 체육 선진화 정책에 대한 역사적 고찰
43(5) 55-61, 2004
A Historical Study on the Advancement Policy of Physical Education and Sports in 1980's 체육사학 : 80년대 체육 선진화 정책에 대한 역사적 고찰
This study was purposed to investigate the policy implication of the historical facts to verify validities of those contradictory opinions, and verified that it was 1980's policy of physical education and sports forming advanced structures and contents that accomplished substantial outcomes. These outcomes, of course, have brought upon themselves the contempt of some critics, a "Republic of Sports", but we should not pass over that they made a decisive moment to turn the situation of Korean sports toward that of the advanced nations, consequently.
This study have indicated that there should be an inclusive comprehension and evaluation in arguing 80's sports advancement policy. Moreover, it is dear that a negative evaluation on a policy input put in a context of the times should not be led to a devaluation of a policy outcome and exclusive policy.
The 1980's advancement policy of physical education and sports had developed on the basis of the strong public power of government: for example, they organized the Ministry of Sports. Such a strong drive of the policy had made it possible to accomplish the government's will: accelerating the promotion of "Sports for All", "Lifetime Sports", the unification of nation, social welfare, and enhancement of national glory through sports, which had became drive forces of successful 86 Asian Games and 88 Olympic Games.
In conclusion, we cannot help emphasizing the necessity of a positive recognition that makes it possible to develope institutional outcomes of policies into more desirable ways by objectifying positive function of relationship between sports and politics.
Key Words
sport and physical education, policy
Conception of Harmony, Circle, & Water in Hapkido 체육철학 : 합기도에 내재된 화,원,류의 사고
강유원YuWonKang , 김이수YiSooKim
43(5) 65-76, 2004
Conception of Harmony, Circle, & Water in Hapkido 체육철학 : 합기도에 내재된 화,원,류의 사고
강유원YuWonKang , 김이수YiSooKim
I examined Harmony(Hwa), Circle(Won), & Water(Ryu), using "concept-unifying agents" to explain what kind of philosophy Hapkido has as martial arts and what the culmination of martial arts skills is.
It is important that martial arts require feeling and understanding the mind as well as cultivating the body. That's the trend of modern culture. When looking into conception of HAPKI, first of all, it can be defined as follows. HAPKI can be translated into the skills, with which spirits of a trainer & a foe can be integrated into one and used freely by coordinating the spirit of self & then harmonizing it with foes. HAPKI is also martial art skills to take strength of foes and frustrate their resistance, based on this method.
Against this backdrop, the culmination of martial arts skills can be translated into Harmony, Water, & Circle. First, the Conception of Harmony can be interpreted as virtue of no fight & principle of tactics, based on the Oriental Philosophical concept and has the implicit concept of coordination In other words, "There is no difference between self & foes." It is a way of securing the position to win, by inducing foes to coordinate them with the self through martial arts.
Second, on the basis of natural philosophy, the Conception of Circle means Unpreparedness; Martial Arts; limitless; the Great Absolute; Nature; & Doctrine. The outlook on the universe dwells in this philosophy, based on Circle, Direction, & Angle. It forms the basic structure of martial arts and is expressed as the external form of Hapkido training.
Third, the Conception of Water implies Wind & Fog&Water as well as humble mind of a water characteristic. Flowing water expresses the energy that appears from the last action, through action of Harmony & Circle. This is the crystal of Hapkido.
It is no exaggeration to say that the culmination of martial art skills in Hapkido (Harmony, Circle, & Water) implies all things of Hapkido. Accordingly, this philosophy is enough to express & understand Hapkido.
A Study on the Actual Condition of Inter Senior-Junior Corporal Punishment and the Relationship between Experience to Corporal Punishment and Adjustment to College in Physical Education Majors 스포츠사회학 : 체육계 대학생의 선후배간 체벌 실태 조사 및 체벌 경험과 대학생활적응의 관계 연구
43(5) 79-90, 2004
A Study on the Actual Condition of Inter Senior-Junior Corporal Punishment and the Relationship between Experience to Corporal Punishment and Adjustment to College in Physical Education Majors 스포츠사회학 : 체육계 대학생의 선후배간 체벌 실태 조사 및 체벌 경험과 대학생활적응의 관계 연구
The purpose of the present study was to survey the actual condition of corporal punishment and find out the relationship between experience to corporal punishment and adjustment to college in physical education majoring students.
1,184 students were selected from 20 universities as subjects using multi-stage cluster random sampling method in December, 2003.
Corporal punishment was measured by the index from H to R based on Straus(1974)' conflict resolution technique scales, and adjustment to college by the items based on Baker and Siryk(1984)'s scales.
Frequency and percentage by items were calculated, x²-test and one-way anova methods were used to solve problems of the study.
On the basis of the results analyzed, the conclusions were drawn as follows ;
1. 24.4% of male students and 31.1% of female students does not experience corporal punishment, however 48.4% of males and 524% of females experience punishment, 5.5% males and 44% of females are weakly struck, and 222% of males and 121% of females are severly struck.
2 The primary reason of inter senior-junior corporal punishment is solidarity, follows by lack of manner, and misbehavior of peers. 55.1% of students experience corporal punishment about 1 time per month.
3. The severer the experience to corporal punishment, the more serious the psychobehavioral and psychosomatic disorder.
4. Males, lower grades, teacher education majors, military service non-performers, students with many athletes career, students playing in sports club experience severer corporal punishment than each counterpart.
5. There is not a significant difference in acceptance to corporal punishment by the degree of experience to it.
6. The severer the experience to corporal punishment, the lower the adjustment to academic work and individual emotion, and satisfaction to college.
Key Words
corporal punishment, adjustment to college, acceptance to corporal punishment
The relation between the type of leisure activity and self-identity of youth 스포츠사회학 : 청소년의 여가활동 유형과 자아정체감의 관계
43(5) 91-100, 2004
The relation between the type of leisure activity and self-identity of youth 스포츠사회학 : 청소년의 여가활동 유형과 자아정체감의 관계
This study was to figure out the relation between the type of leisure activity and self-identity of youth, give motivations of several leisure activity participation to youth and provide basic models for setting up of desirable self-identity.
The subjects of this study were 473 students of middle and highschools in Seoul, 2004 and their informations were analysed by reliability analysis, factor analysis and ANCOVA
Through this study, the following results were acquired;
Firstly, by the result of analysis on the difference of self-identity in demographic variables, male students were more independent than female students and high class students do that than low class students; middle school students were more confident with their future than highschool students; high class students were more oriented with their objects than low class students.
Secondly, by the result of analysis on the difference of self-identity in type of leisure activity of male students, the type of leisure activity were not different among them significantly in variables as like independence, self-acceptance, certainty on the future, object orientation, leadership and intimacy.
Thirdly, by the result of analysis on the difference of self-identity in type of leisure activity of female students, the type of leisure activity were different among them significantly in variables as like independence, object orientation and intimacy; they preferred to social activity and spiritual things in indepence and object orientation, and social activity and natural activity in intimacy. That is, the preferrence in type of leisure activity of female students were different with that of male students.
Key Words
leisure activity, self-identity
A Study on Causal Relationships among Attitude of Health Related, Needs of Exercise, Participation in Leisure Sports and Type of Leisure Sports 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육참가자의 건강관련 태도와 운동욕구, 생활체육참가 및 유형의 관계
43(5) 101-111, 2004
A Study on Causal Relationships among Attitude of Health Related, Needs of Exercise, Participation in Leisure Sports and Type of Leisure Sports 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육참가자의 건강관련 태도와 운동욕구, 생활체육참가 및 유형의 관계
The purpose of this study is positively to examine relationships among attitude of health related, needs of exercise, participation in leisure sports and type of leisure sports through using structural equation modeling in members of leisure sports club.
In order to get purpose of this study, attitude of health related is established as exogenous latent variables and needs of exercise, participation in leisure sports and type of leisure sports are established as endogenous latent variables. The subjects of this study collected by method of purposive sampling are 822 Every survey papers are filled out by self-administered method and structural equation modeling and descriptive analysis in LISREL version 8.25 and SPSSWIN version 11.5 analyze data decided as valid subjects from survey of this study.
Followings are what this study get something as results:
1. The initially structural equation model based on experience data through overall fit measure is not fitted.
2 Finally modified structural equation model, which remove non-contributable factors for fitting model, is fitted very well.
3. Variable of participation in leisure sports and type of leisure sports is affected by attitude of health related. And also, type of leisure sports is affected by needs of exercise.
Key Words
attitude of health, needs of exercise, type of leisure sports
The Development Strategies of Sport Tourism for Tourism Industry in Jeonnam Province 스포츠사회학 : 전남의 관광산업 발전을 위한 스포츠관광 개발전략
윤이중YeeJoongYoon , 배성완SeongWanBae
43(5) 113-128, 2004
The Development Strategies of Sport Tourism for Tourism Industry in Jeonnam Province 스포츠사회학 : 전남의 관광산업 발전을 위한 스포츠관광 개발전략
윤이중YeeJoongYoon , 배성완SeongWanBae
This study aims to seek the development strategy of sport tourism for tourism industry in Jeonnam province. For the purpose of this research, it examines the validity of sport tourism through the preceding researches and related materials and literatures as the research methods and investigates the current conditions of sport tourism in Jeonnam through the secondary data from related agencies and questionnaire. This study obtains the following conclusions.
First, the major target of tourism development in Jeonnam should be tourists from the Metropolitan area including Seoul and the most effective tourism policy to attract tourists from other provinces and cities in Korea is the sport tourism which is featured by stay tourism, moving tour and experience tour.
Second, the current status of sport tourism in Jeonnam is very insufficient and poor, but with the opening of the West Expressway and the construction of Muan International Airport, the accessibility to Jeonnam will be improved and the development potential of sport tourism is great owing to its rich sport tourism resources.
Third, the possible items for developing the sport tourism in Jeonnam include golf in land area and yacht, wind surfing, scuba diving, sea fishing and sea bath in marine area. Of these, the items which should be developed strategically in connection with tourism industry are golf, sea fishing, beach and scuba diving and yacht is one of future strategic sport tourism items. In particular, two or three golf courses should be built on the seaside with the same or similar scale as the current membership or public golf courses.
Fourth, for developing sport tourism in Jeonnam, it is urgent that sport tourism policy development committee should be organized for making middle- and long-term plan. Golf course should be built in land areas and marine resort, marina facilities and youth training center should be expanded in marine and island areas. For these, local governments must mitigate the related regulations and laws for expanding the facilities and seek the tax and administrative supports.
Fifth, policy makers' recognition of sport tourism development should be enhanced in developing the South Coast Tourism Belt Project. In particular, if the tourism development project for the Mokpo Circle should be focused on developing historical relics, it may be an obstacle in attracting tourists and a bold investment plan should be established and conducted to develop sport tourism which is the dynamic tourism to meet the demands of the contemporary tourists.
Sixth, Jeonnam must cope with this age of sport tourism marketing actively. In particular, it must develop package tour products with golf tour, fishing tour and diving tour to attract the tourists from big cities in Korea, Japan and China. In addition, a method to hold international sport events in Jeonnam and attract sport teams for field training to Jeonnam should be sought.
Key Words
sport tourism, the touth coast tourism belt project, package tour
Sports Nationalism and Korean Soccer Culture Based upon the Relationship between Korean and Japan 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠내셔널리즘과 한,일 관계에 따른 한국의 축구문화
이남미NamMiLee , 이근모KeunMoLee , 오세복SeaBockOh
43(5) 129-140, 2004
Sports Nationalism and Korean Soccer Culture Based upon the Relationship between Korean and Japan 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠내셔널리즘과 한,일 관계에 따른 한국의 축구문화
이남미NamMiLee , 이근모KeunMoLee , 오세복SeaBockOh
This study grasps the symbolic meaning of soccer and the characteristics of sports nationalism in soccer games. To find how Korea-Japan soccer games affect Korean soccer culture and the characteristics of Korean soccer culture, this study uses domestic scientific journals, scientific studies and research papers related to soccer, as well as books, newspapers and documents from the Internet.
The conclusions of this study are the following;
First, soccer games have political, economical and social effects on country or region. Soccer is a kind of 'combat sport', so a soccer game makes a crowd of spectators excited. Soccer has marvelous political power as sport that makes a country's people unified, overcoming class, race, generational and localistic divisions.
Second, many countries use international soccer games like those of the World Cup as a means to secure the long-term of a ruling class, and one characteristic of soccer, collective integration, plays the role of drawing colonial people into a ruling nation. Soccer arouses nationalism and patriotism through competition with other country, which is called chauvinism However, soccer is a national festival that people enjoy and play in any country.
Third, soccer in Korean colonial times was a means to resist Japanese imperialism. Soccer has been a symbol of Korea modernization and the center of national integration. Since liberalization, a soccer game has been the strongest way to show nationality to the world. The 2002 Korea and Japan World Cup games contributed to weakening Korean's antipathy to Japan. More one word over, the integration, high-level of civil consciousness and passion of cheering people show possibilities of harmonization between collectivization and individualism. This also says that Korea has been a path to quick globalization.
Key Words
sports nationalism, korean soccer culture
A Study on Relationships between Needs of Leisure and Exercise Addiction 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육참가자의 여가욕구와 운동중독과의 관계
43(5) 141-150, 2004
A Study on Relationships between Needs of Leisure and Exercise Addiction 스포츠사회학 : 생활체육참가자의 여가욕구와 운동중독과의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between needs of leisure and exercise addiction in participation of leisure sports. To accomplish the purpose of this study, this study surveyed 600 subjects, who participated in leisure sports as members of a sports complex, by method of purposive sampling. Every survey paper was filled out by self-administered method and data decided as valid subjects was analyzed by SPSS version 11.5. Statistics used in this study were descriptive analysis, analysis of variance, correlation, and multiple regression.
The followings are the results of this study:
1. There is a significant difference in needs of sports. Group that prefer sociable activity of leisure type is the highest in needs of sports as needs of leisure.
2 There are no significant differences in exercise addiction.
3. Needs of nature(-) and deviation(-) have influences, and needs of learning(+) has influences on withdrawal symptoms. Needs of nature(-) and deviation(-) have influences and needs of sports(+) and learning(+) have influences on tolerance of exercise needs. Needs of nature(+) and needs of learning(-) have influences on excessive attachment of exercise
Key Words
exercise addiction, needs of leisure
A Study on the Differences in Psychological Skills among Golf Players 스포츠심리학 : 골프 선수들의 심리적 기술의 차이 분석
The purpose of this study lies in measuring psychological skills used when golf players are playing golf games or taking exercise, and knowing differences of their skills according to their skill-level and golf career. Sample groups were randomly made as this study's subjects; 67 male pro golfers who participated in 2003 Tailor Made-Adidas Cup-Chungcheong Open golf Championship, 66 semi-pro golfers who participated in 2003 KTF Tour 6th golf Championship, and 69 pro-applicants who participated in 2003 Semi-Pro Test. Golf players' psychological skills were measured with use of Woo Chan Myung(2003)'s 'Golf Players' Psychological Skill Test'. t-test, Pearson Correlation Analysis, one-way ANOVA were carried out on collected copies, Schaffe test was carried out as a post-test. Results obtained are as follows;
Differences of psychological skills according to skill levels
Among the groups of pro golfers, semi-pro golfers, and pro-applicants, the group of pro-applicants showed statistically significant differences in anxiety factor, but the group of semi-pro golfers and the group of pro golfers did not
2. Differences of psychological skills according to golf career
The longer the length of players' golf career was, the more statistically significant differences were shown in anxiety factor and mind-control factor. The group of golfers whose golf career is below 10 years and the group of golfers whose golf career is over 10 years showed statistically significant differences only in anxiety factor.
Key Words
psychology skill level, mind-control, anxiety
Relations between Self - efficacy and Learned Helplessness of Obese Student according to the obese degree 스포츠교육학 : 초등학생의 비만도에 따른 자기효능감과 체육학습에서 학습된 무기력의 관계
김영언YoungUnKim , 남행웅HaengWoongNam
43(5) 163-172, 2004
Relations between Self - efficacy and Learned Helplessness of Obese Student according to the obese degree 스포츠교육학 : 초등학생의 비만도에 따른 자기효능감과 체육학습에서 학습된 무기력의 관계
김영언YoungUnKim , 남행웅HaengWoongNam
The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between self-efficacy and learned helplessness of children according to the obese degrees. The participants for this study were 985 students 4·5·6 grades in six elementary school located in Wonju city, who made selected and tested on their self-efficacy and learned helplessness questionnaire. Data were t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation Analysis processed using the SPSS/PC+11.0 statistical package. The results are as follows.
First, self-efficacy score of obese students according to the level of obese were lower than those who have normal group but there were no significances in self-confidence factor.
Second, obese students were higher than those who have normal group except the lack of situation control.
Third, there were no significances in self-efficacy according to the sex in obese group.
Fourth, there were no significances in learned helplessness except the lack of interpersonal relationships according to the sex in obese group.
Finally, the correlations of self-efficacy and learned helplessness were significant differences in the obese group.
Analysis of Coaching Behaviors Between Successful and Less Successful Kendo Coaches 스포츠교육학 : 고등학교 우수팀과 비우수팀 검도 지도자의 코칭 행동
박형란HyoungRanPark , 조현홍HyunHongCho , 이한주HanJooLee
43(5) 173-182, 2004
Analysis of Coaching Behaviors Between Successful and Less Successful Kendo Coaches 스포츠교육학 : 고등학교 우수팀과 비우수팀 검도 지도자의 코칭 행동
박형란HyoungRanPark , 조현홍HyunHongCho , 이한주HanJooLee
The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare coaching behaviors of successful and less successful Kendo coaches. Research questions were: (a) Are there differences between successful and less successful coaches when they are coaching beginning and advanced level players? (b) What are the differences between successful and less successful coaches regarding their instructional suggestions for performance improvement? Four coaches, (i.e. two successful and two less successful coaches) participated in this study. Coaches were asked to teach basic skills for the beginning level players and advanced skills for advanced level Kendo players in a College team Coaching behaviors of successful and less successful coaches were analyzed using the Arizona State University Observation Instrument (ASUOI) developed by Lacy and Darst (1989) and the Qualitative Measures of Teaching Performance Scale (QMTPS) developed by Rink and Werner (1989). Results of this study revealed that successful coaches showed more emphasis on pre- and post-instruction categories while less successful coaches concurrent instruction in the ASUOI. Also, successful coaches showed more concerns on informing and applying task while less successful coaches showed more extending and repeat task in the QMTPS. In addition, successful coaches showed higher scores than less successful coaches on clarity, demonstration and student responses appropriate to task focus in the task presentation categories.
Key Words
ASUOI, QMTPS, coaching behaviors, kendo
An Analysis on the Anxieties of Prospective Elementary School Teachers relating to Gymnastics Instruction 스포츠교육학 : 초등 예비교사의 기계체조 강의에 대한 걱정거리 분석
43(5) 183-192, 2004
An Analysis on the Anxieties of Prospective Elementary School Teachers relating to Gymnastics Instruction 스포츠교육학 : 초등 예비교사의 기계체조 강의에 대한 걱정거리 분석
The goal of this study was to analyze degree of concern and to explore causes of anxiety that prospective elementary school teachers face relating to gymnastics instruction. Subjects in this study were 226 1st semester second-year students(74 male students, 152 female students) at 'G' university of education located in Gwangju, and inductive content analysis methods were used as the means of investigation. The results were that 45.6% of prospective elementary school teachers showed only concern about gymnastics instruction, while 624% of them were discovered to be worried 'very' or 'generally'. Causes of anxiety expressed by the participants were listed as 'learning factors'(50.4%), 'learner factors'(423%), 'teaching factors'(4.5%), and 'other factors'(28%). Most commonly expressed contents were 'difficulty of class exercises', 'burden of evaluating', 'worry about physical strength', 'lack of self-confidence', 'lack of experience', 'lack of motor skill', 'apprehension about injuries', 'excessive learning exercises'.
Key Words
anxiety, prospective elementary school teacher, gymnastics, instruction
The Experience and Perception of Students and Teachers based on Coed and Single Gender Physical Education Classes 스포츠교육학 : 혼성 체육수업과 동성 체육수업에 관한 교사와 학생의 인식 및 경험
43(5) 193-204, 2004
The Experience and Perception of Students and Teachers based on Coed and Single Gender Physical Education Classes 스포츠교육학 : 혼성 체육수업과 동성 체육수업에 관한 교사와 학생의 인식 및 경험
One of the rationales behind Title nine is mixed gender classes provide the same opportunities for participation, thus providing a more equitable learning environment for students (Griffin, 1984; Knoppers, 1988). In spite of these perceived benefits, the question still arises, does a coed physical education environment foster learning as effectively as a non-coed environment? (Osborne et. al, 2002). The purpose of this study was to understand perception change of middle school students and teachers on gender mixtures in PE class. Participants in this study were students (six males and six females) from the eighth graders and four PE teachers from two different middle schools in Korea Data were collected through interviews, non participant observation, and document analysis. Audiotapes of student interviews were transcribed and analyzed using inductive analysis. The findings in this study indicated that students did prefer coed physical education class, but the teachers preferred same gender classes in many situation. A great deal of congruent successful practice is dependent upon tasks appropriately matching the experiential level of students. Therefore, in coed physical education classes, physical education teachers should appropriately match tasks and lesson pace to the level of students, the facility and learning environment in school should be changed and diverse programs should be made by educators. The essence of the suggestions was to make the curriculum more meaningful to the participating students.
Key Words
code education, single gender classes
A Case Study of Using Webclass Teaching in University Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 대학교양체육수업에서 웹 활용사례
조남용NamYongCho , 문호준HoJunMoon
43(5) 205-215, 2004
A Case Study of Using Webclass Teaching in University Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 대학교양체육수업에서 웹 활용사례
조남용NamYongCho , 문호준HoJunMoon
Information technology, especially the Web, is creating tremendous opportunities in education. With the Internet's rapid growth, the Web has become a powerful and interactive medium of teaching and learning in physical education. We have the question "What does it take to provide the best and most meaningful learning environments for learners?" For answer this question, we have opened a course(swim 5; Butterfly) supported by Webclass serviced by CTL(Center bfor Teaching and Learning) at S Univ. First, We described the Webclass is applicable for not only other classroom classes but also physical education classes and there are much more difficulties solved. Second, there needs some connection between University Adminstration and Webclass(CIL) so as to be convenient for teachers. Physical educators who want teach better will prepare their work well by this case study.
Key Words
WBI, Web Based Learning, teaching university physical education
An Analysis of Participation in Physical Education of Low Skilled Girl on Sport Education 스포츠교육학 : 스포츠교육 모형을 통한 운동기능이 낮은 여학생의 체육 수업 참여 과정 분석
최원준WonJunChoi , 김진희JinHeeKim
43(5) 217-227, 2004
An Analysis of Participation in Physical Education of Low Skilled Girl on Sport Education 스포츠교육학 : 스포츠교육 모형을 통한 운동기능이 낮은 여학생의 체육 수업 참여 과정 분석
최원준WonJunChoi , 김진희JinHeeKim
This study reports on an attempt to describe low skilled girl in a process of participation during sport education. One girl participated in a 15-lesson season of basketball in which student was of various roles that tried action with peers, thinking of physical education of that season. Using an action case research methodology in which the researcher was also the teacher. Data on student response was collected through participate observation, informal interviews, team newspapers, diary, teacher reflective journal and photo. Results suggest that Hyunah developed significant perception of physical and psychological behavior as well as considerable responsibility involvement The ways how to low skilled girl as a Hyunah through sport education in elementary physical education is participated. Further the strengths and implications of student-centered learning including into physical education are discussed.
Key Words
sport education, low skilled girl
The effects of temperature change on serum FFA, serum glucose concentration and energy expenditure during prolonged exercise 운동생리학 : 온도변화에 따른 지구성운동이 serum FFA, glucose농도와 에너지소비에 미치는 영향
김원중WonJongKim , 황명훈MyoungHoonHwang
43(5) 231-241, 2004
The effects of temperature change on serum FFA, serum glucose concentration and energy expenditure during prolonged exercise 운동생리학 : 온도변화에 따른 지구성운동이 serum FFA, glucose농도와 에너지소비에 미치는 영향
김원중WonJongKim , 황명훈MyoungHoonHwang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of temperature change on serum FFA, serum glucose concentration and energy expenditure during prolonged exercise. All seven healthy males were asked to do exercise at 60% VO2max in the chamber and experimental temperature within the chamber were adjusted to three condition : normal temperature(NT:20±0.5℃)/ low temperature(LT:5±0.5℃), high temperature(HT:35±0.5℃) and 50±3% humidity condition. Each experimental exercise were monitored and analyzed the change of serum FFA, serum glucose and energy expenditure. Serum FFA concentration showed a significant(p<.05) higher value in LT at exercise 30min, post exercise 15min than NT and HI, serum glucose concentration showed a significant(p<.05) higher value in HT at post exercise, recovery 15min, recovery 30min than NT and LT. In summary, LT condition showed energy supply depend on serum FFA, HT condition showed energy supply depend on serum glucose during prolonged exercise.
Key Words
different temperature, prolonged exercise, FFA, glucose, RER
Effects of Ski Training on Postural Balance and Reaction time 운동생리학 : 스키훈련이 평형성과 반응시간에 미치는 영향
김진해JinHaeKim , 박우영WooYoungPark
43(5) 243-251, 2004
Effects of Ski Training on Postural Balance and Reaction time 운동생리학 : 스키훈련이 평형성과 반응시간에 미치는 영향
김진해JinHaeKim , 박우영WooYoungPark
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect 10 week ski training on postural balance and reaction time. Computerized dynamic posturography (EquiTest) was adopted to test sensory organization and motor control. EquiTest facilitated the quantification of the role of somatosensory, visual and vestibular system in the maintenance of postural balance and was also pertinent to measure the reaction time to the stimulus to change center of gravity on force platform. Subject were assigned to healthy control group(n=15), k-university ski player(n=15). The ski exercise group were trained for 6 hour a day, six times per week. The result were as the following :
First, the effect was significant developed the condition of C₃, C₄, C_(5), C_(6) SCM(somatosensory ratio) after 10 weeks ski training. Second, exercise group was significantly difference in the condition of C₃, C₄, C_(6), VIS(visual), and VEST (vestibular) furthermore reaction time compared control group.
The long term ski activity revealed that developed the function of visual and vestibular systems in maintaining postural balance to surrounding stimulus, moreover neuromuscular reaction time.
Key Words
ski, balance, reaction time, somatosensoty, visual, vestibular
The Effect of Basic Military Training on Variation of Physical Fitness 운동생리학 : 기초군사훈련이 체력변화에 미치는 영향
박승용SeungYongPack , 김재우JaeWooKim
43(5) 253-259, 2004
The Effect of Basic Military Training on Variation of Physical Fitness 운동생리학 : 기초군사훈련이 체력변화에 미치는 영향
박승용SeungYongPack , 김재우JaeWooKim
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of basic military training on variation of physical fitness in the Korea military academy. Physcial fitness(aerobic fitness, upper muscle endurance, and abdominal muscle endurance) were assessed in 186 males and 17 females before and after 4 weeks of basic military training. 1.5㎞ Run used to test aerobic fitness, Push-Up used to test upper muscle endurance, and St-Up used to test abdominal muscle endurance.
Paired sample t-test was used to for data analysis and the significance level was set at the 0.05.
The results of this study were as follow:
1. 1.5km Run time decreased significantly on males(△24.38±36.04s)(p<.001), but not females(△8.24±27.15s) after basic military training.
2. Push-Up Repetition increased significantly on both males(△l9.56±11.42rep) and females(△22.76±8.82rep) after basic military training(p<.001)
3. St-Up Repetition increased significantly on both males(△9.96±9.59rep)(p<.001) and females(A7.47±9.45rep)(p<.005) after basic military training
It is concluded that basic military training in the KMA is effective in terms of increasing aerobic fitness, upper muscle endurance, and abdominal muscle endurance.
Key Words
basic military training physical fitness
The Effects of Rapid Weight Reduction on Isokinetic Maximal Muscle Power and Muscle Endurance in High-School Aged Taekwondo Players 운동생리학 : 체중감량이 고등학교 태권도 선수의 등속성 최대근파워와 근지구력에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Rapid Weight Reduction on Isokinetic Maximal Muscle Power and Muscle Endurance in High-School Aged Taekwondo Players 운동생리학 : 체중감량이 고등학교 태권도 선수의 등속성 최대근파워와 근지구력에 미치는 영향
This study examines effects of rapid weight reduction on isokinetic maximal muscle power and muscle endurance in high school aged taekwondo players on 10 trained males. The methods of Weight reduction is selected exercise, diet, and sauna on 5% self weight. The test performed 60°/sec on isokinetic maximal muscle power and 180°/sec on muscle endurance using isokinetic machine. Variables are peak torque(PT), peak torque/body weight(FT/BW), total work(TW), Hamstring/Quadriceps ratio(H/Q ratio). The results of this study are as follows :
After weight control during a week on isokinetic maximal muscle power, FT showed significant change on left knee extensor(p<.05), PT/BW showed significant change on right and left knee extensor(p<.05), and TW showed no significant change on knee extensor. Isokinetic maximal muscle power, FT showed significant change on right and left knee flexor(p<.05), PT/BW showed significant change on right knee flexor(p<.05), and TW showed significant change on right knee flexor(p<.05). Muscle endurance, FT showed significant change on right(p<.05) and left knee extensor(p<.01), PT/BW showed significant change on left knee extensor(p<.05), and TW showed no significant change on knee extensor. Muscle endurance, FT showed significant change on left knee flexor(p<.05), PT/BW showed significant change on right and left knee flexor(p<.05), and TW showed significant change on left knee flexor(p<.05). H/Q ratio, showed no significant change on isokinetic maximal muscle power(60°/sec) and muscle endurance(180˚/sec).
In conclusion, reduced weight through methods of exercise, diet and sauna decreased significantly on ability of isokinetic maximal muscle power and muscle endurance in taekwondo players.
Key Words
isokinetic maximal muscle power, peak torque, PT, peak torque/body weight, PT/BW, total work, TW, Hamstring/Quadriceps ratio, H/Q ratio
The Response of Dyspnea Ratings After Exercise Training in Patients with COPD 운동생리학 : COPD 환자의 재활 훈련 후 호흡곤란증 자각도에 대한 반응의 변화
43(5) 271-279, 2004
The Response of Dyspnea Ratings After Exercise Training in Patients with COPD 운동생리학 : COPD 환자의 재활 훈련 후 호흡곤란증 자각도에 대한 반응의 변화
The purpose of this study was to examine how the dyspnea ratings change in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COTO) at the same relative upper limb exercise intensity. Forty patients with COPD performed incremental cardiopulmonary upper limb exercise testing before and after participation in 8 weeks of exercise pulmonary rehabilitation. Subjects rated dyspnea ratings each minute of the exercise test.
Both responders (20 patients who exhibited an increase in VO₂ after pulmonary rehabilitation) and nonresponders (20 patients who had no increase in VO₂)reported similar ratings of dyspnea at the same relative (50%, 75% and peakVO₂) exercise intensities. The changes in dyspnea ratings at the same absolute exercise intensities after pulmonary rehabilitation were significantly different between responders and nonresponders.
The results of this study suggest that patients with COPD can use the same ratings of dyspnea to monitor training for upper limb exercise at the same relative exercise intensity whether they achieve a physiological training response or not.
Key Words
dyspnea, CDPD, RPE
The Effects of Creatine Kinase(CK) and Lactate Dehydrogenase(LDH) Changes During a Treadmill Running in Different Temperatures 운동생리학 : 온도 차이가 트레드밀 달리기시 CK와 LDH변화에 미치는 영향
이운용WoonYongLee , 성봉주BongJuSung
43(5) 281-288, 2004
The Effects of Creatine Kinase(CK) and Lactate Dehydrogenase(LDH) Changes During a Treadmill Running in Different Temperatures 운동생리학 : 온도 차이가 트레드밀 달리기시 CK와 LDH변화에 미치는 영향
이운용WoonYongLee , 성봉주BongJuSung
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of three different temperatures on changes of Creatine Kinase(CK) and Lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) during a treadmill running. Eight students majoring in physical education who were able to run a 21 km and had no health problems were recruited They ran 21km on a treadmill in 28℃, 17℃, and 12℃ of room temperature. During the exercise bout blood samples were collected and analyzed by one-way ANOVA and two-way ANOVA with repeated measure for the CK and LDH A significant level was considered as P<.05. The results were as follows;
CK increased progressively during the run in all conditions, but decreased 30 min after run. LDH also increased progressively during the run but did not return to the base level even after 30 min of the cessation of the bout. The statistical analyses showed significant main effects on both CK and LDH, but no differences were found in the interactions. This indicated that the stress level experienced by the body may be different in three environmental conditions, although the same exercise volume was provided. Based on the results, CK and LDH during treadmill running were differently influenced by the room temperatures.
When the CK and LDH were to be evaluated, the environmental condition may be considered Thus, the results suggested that an endurance exercise should be performed in an adequate environmental condition. This information was warranted such that it could be applied for physical performance of marathon and be utilized for a reference in diverse physical activities and health.
Key Words
A Study on the Association between VDR Gene Polymorphism and Bone Mineral Density in Athletes and Non-Athletes 운동생리학 : 운동선수 및 일반인의 골밀도와 VDR유전자의 다형성
The purpose of study was to investigate the association between polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene and bone mineral density (BMD) in the non-athletic control group (n=27), the sports dancer group (n=30), and the volleyball player group (n=25). All subjects were chosen from university students with no known illness or musculoskeletal anomaly.
In the present study, the authors investigated a possible relationship between alleles of the VDR gene and BMD's of the lumbar vertebrae L1-L4 and the femur as measured via dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The results showed that the BMD's of the volleyball player group and the sports dancer group were higher than that of the control group. The lumbar spine BMD of the volleyball player group was significantly higher than that of the control group. The lumbar spine BMD of the sports dancer group was also significantly higher than that of the control group. The BMD's of the femoral neck and trochanter were significantly higher in the volleyball player group than in either the control group or the sports dancer group. However, the BMD in Ward's triangle did not differ between the groups.
The genotypic frequency of the VDR gene differed between the control group and the volleyball player group (p<.05). Furthermore, a correlation was identified between genotypes of the VDR gene (Fold) and trochanteric BMD. However, the small subject population precludes placing a significant level of confidence on the genotypic frequency derived in the present study. A subsequent study enrolling a much larger subject population appears necessary. Nevertheless, the results of the present study suggest that BMD may be influenced more by the type and intensity of exercise than by the genotype of the VDR gene.
Key Words
polymorphism, bone mineral density, resistance exercise
Effect of 12 weeks regular aerobic training on acute phase inflammatory protein and coronary artery disease risk factor in obese middle-aged women 운동생리학 : 12주 규칙적인 에어로빅트레이닝이 중년 비만여성의 급성기염증 단백질 및 관상동맥질환 위험인자에 미치는 영향
Effect of 12 weeks regular aerobic training on acute phase inflammatory protein and coronary artery disease risk factor in obese middle-aged women 운동생리학 : 12주 규칙적인 에어로빅트레이닝이 중년 비만여성의 급성기염증 단백질 및 관상동맥질환 위험인자에 미치는 영향
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of 12 weeks aerobic training on acute phase inflammatory protein and coronary artery disease risk factor. Aerobic training(HRmax 55-75%, 60min/day, 5day/week) was performed and 22 obese middle aged women(age: 38.36±3.55y, % body fat 36.14+7.31) were participated for study during 12 weeks. They were divided into two groups, one group as experimental group(n=11) and the other as control group(n=11). A measured items were BMI, % body fat, TC TG and C-reactive protein(CRP). All data were expressed as meant standard deviation by using spss package program(win 9.0), Paired t-test and independent t-test was used to analyze the difference of variable means value between groups. For all statistics performed statistical significance was set at p<.05.
After exercise intervention, After 12 weeks aerobic training %body fat was reduced, but showed no significance. Whereas BM, TC, TG and C-reactive protein were reduced significantly in experimental group, but did not change significantly in control group.
In conclusion, TC, TG, HDL-C and CRP were found to have more significant effects in the experimental group than control group. This results indicated regular aerobic training is beneficial to prevent and treat obesity, coronary artery disease risk factor.
Comparative Analysis of Leg Muscle Strength and Aerobic Capacity, Body Composition 43-83 age's in Women Master Athletes 운동생리학 : 43 - 83세 여성 운동가들의 신체구성과 근력 및 유산소 능력의 비교분석
43(5) 311-319, 2004
Comparative Analysis of Leg Muscle Strength and Aerobic Capacity, Body Composition 43-83 age's in Women Master Athletes 운동생리학 : 43 - 83세 여성 운동가들의 신체구성과 근력 및 유산소 능력의 비교분석
The use of master Athletes to describe an idealized rate of physiological loss associated with aging is quite common. This study examined a group of 80 female master athletes (mean age=59.34 ± 3.11) over the age of 40 years. Physiological parameters included maximal oxygen uptake (VO₂max), body composition, and leg muscle strength. Medical histories and training records were obtained via questionnaire.
As a result of study, Weigth, Fat (%), BMI, LBM (㎏) values were no changed in the different age groups. VO₂max (㎖/㎏/min) and VO₂max (l/min) values were different (p<.05) in the different age groups. Total run time on the treadmill were different (p<.05) in the different age groups. Isometric leg flexion strength at 15° degrees were no different but isometric leg extension strength at 60° degrees were different (p<.05) in the different age groups. Regression equations between age and HRmax, total run time on treadmill, VO₂max (㎖/㎏/min) were significant (p<.05). In conclusion, this data indicate that VO₂max appears to decline 10.37% per decade, and that muscle strength appears to decline 8.25% per decade in this subjects.
In addition, the various functional factors and performance variables show liner change in this study which examines master athletes as subjects. However, it should also be decided by considering the second and third degree polynomial equation resulted from age accretion. Therefore, there should be more data accumulated to prove that the reduction of physical function is facilitated as one grows older.
Key Words
master athletes, body composition, aerobic capacity, muscle strength
The Effect of Walking Type Energy on Expenditure and Cardiorespiratory Function 운동생리학 : 걷기형태가 에너지소비량 및 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향
정정욱JeongWookChung , 김훈HoonKim
43(5) 321-330, 2004
The Effect of Walking Type Energy on Expenditure and Cardiorespiratory Function 운동생리학 : 걷기형태가 에너지소비량 및 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향
정정욱JeongWookChung , 김훈HoonKim
This study was performed to investigate that the effect of walking types on energy expenditure, oxygen consumption (VO₂), heart rate (HR), respiratory exchange rate (RER), the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and walking frequency during submaximal exercise test (@HRmax 60%). Two different walking types either forward walking (FW) or backward walking (BW) were used in this study.
Ten male University students were recruited. Energy expenditure was significantly different between BW and FW (p<.001), and it was also significantly different between each sections: 3㎞, 4㎞, 5㎞ and 6㎞. VO₂ also revealed a significant different between BW and FW (p<.01), and there was a significant different between each sections: 4㎞, 5㎞, and 6㎞.
Heart rate was significantly different between BW and FW (p<.01), and it was also significantly different between each sections: 2㎞, 3㎞, 4㎞, 5㎞, and 6㎞ However, RER did not show any statistical significance between walking types when repeated measurement was used. In addition, there was an only significant difference at 6㎞ section RPE scale also revealed a significant different between BW and FW (p<.001). When the comparisons made by each sections, there was a significant different at 4㎞, 5㎞, and 6㎞ The results from walking frequency, it was a significant different between BW and FW (p<.01), and there was a significant different between each sections: 2㎞, 3㎞, 4㎞, 5㎞, and 6㎞.
While previous studies used only specific walking speed, various walking speeds were used in this study, therefore it was possible to demonstrate that the differences occurred by the change of walking speeds. From these results, it is expected that more effective exercise program can be developed for people who want to maintain and improve their general health conditions, and it could also provide useful information for the determination of exercise intensity which can possibly be used for scientific and systematical guideline for exercise prescription.
Key Words
backward walking, energy expenditure, VO2max, HR
The effects of regular exercise on cardiovascular function and depression in elderly 운동생리학 : 규칙적인 운동이 노인의 심혈관계 기능과 우울증에 미치는 영향
차준태JunTaeCha , 지용석YongSeokJee
43(5) 331-340, 2004
The effects of regular exercise on cardiovascular function and depression in elderly 운동생리학 : 규칙적인 운동이 노인의 심혈관계 기능과 우울증에 미치는 영향
차준태JunTaeCha , 지용석YongSeokJee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of regular exercise on cardiovascular function and depression in elderly. Forty subjects were involved in this study. They are residing in Seoul S-Tower. And they were classified to two groups, who exercise group (male: 10, female: 10) was participated in exercise program for 12 weeks, and non-exercise group (male: 10, female 10) was not in the program In the results, changes of cardiovascular variables, at first, male groups were not significantly different in cardiovascular variables between groups before and after the exercise program But in the exercise group, after 12 weeks' exercise program, there were significant increases in maximal oxygen uptake (P<0.001), resting (P<0.05) or maximal rate pressure product (P<0.01), maximal systolic blood pressure (P<0.05), ventilation threshold (P<0.01) and exercise time (P<0.01). At second, in the changes of cardiovascular variables, female groups were not significantly different in cardiovascular variables between groups before the exercise program But there were significant (P<0.05) differences in maximal oxygen uptake (P<0.001), maximal rate pressure product (P<0.001), resting (P<0.05) or maximal systolic blood pressure (P<0.01), ventilation threshold (P<0.05) and exercise time (P<0.05) between groups after the exercise program After 12 weeks' exercise program, there were significant increases in maximal oxygen uptake (PO.001), resting rate pressure product (PO.05), resting systolic blood pressure (PO.05) and ventilation threshold (P<0.01) in the exercise group. In the changes of depression scale, at first, male groups were not significantly different in GDS (Geriatric depression scale) between groups before the exercise program But, there were significant (PO.05) decreases in exercise group after the exercise program At second, female groups were not significantly different in GDS between groups before the exercise program But, there were significant (P<0.05) decreases in exercise group after the program As a conclusion, we could know that the regular exercise program increased cardiovascular function as well as mental health (in this study, depression degree) in elderly.
Key Words
elderly, cardiovascular function, GDS, maximal oxygen uptake, exercise program
Relationships between Falls Experience, and Chronic Disease Prevalence and Fitness Levels in Elderly Women 운동생리학 : 여성 고령자의 낙상경험 유무와 만성질환 유병률 및 체력과의 관계
최은수EunSooChoi , 김경태KyungTaeKim
43(5) 341-348, 2004
Relationships between Falls Experience, and Chronic Disease Prevalence and Fitness Levels in Elderly Women 운동생리학 : 여성 고령자의 낙상경험 유무와 만성질환 유병률 및 체력과의 관계
최은수EunSooChoi , 김경태KyungTaeKim
To explore any relationships among chronic disease prevalence and fitness levels in elderly women, 117 K-province indwelling senior women (>65 yrs) were recruited. Each responded a medical history form composed of fall experience, disease prevalence, and experience of any specific chronic diseases as well as medication practices. For each of them, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, balance, and agility were measured. The falls experienced elderly women were 41% (75.8±8.6 yrs, 149.0±6.1 cm, 54.6±9.3 ㎏, 28.9±4.1% body fat), and 59% (80.5±7.1 yrs, 146.9±5.7 cm, 52.1±9.1 ㎏, 29.1±7.5% body fat) of the subjects did not experience falls. Based on the falls experience, no differences in morbidity and chronic disease prevalence were found. However, 85% of the fall experienced women took a regular medication while 67% of the non-experienced women reported no medication practices (p<.05). Those who took 1-2 medication were 75% and 62%, and did more than 3 medications were 10% and 3% in fall experienced and non-experienced women, respectively (p<.05). The low back strength was 27.6±9.2 ㎏ and 36.5±9.0 ㎏ in falls experienced and non-experienced women, respectively (p<.05). The lower leg muscular endurance was 13.5±3.1 times/30 sec and 16.5±3.5 times/30 sec, and the balance was 9.0±13.6 sec and 13.9±10.2 sec in falls experienced and non-experienced women, respectively (p<.05). No other parameters in fitness were statistically different between groups. Based on the results, number of medication, leg muscular endurance, and balance ability were highly related to falls experience in elderly women population. It could be suggested that modification and changes of these element may cuntribute varying the rate of falls experience.
Effects of exercise training and taurine ingestion on blood lipid metabolism in high fat-fed rats 운동영양학 : 운동시 타우린 섭취가 고지방식이 흰쥐의 혈중 지질대사에 미치는 영향
류승필SungPilRyu , 이수천SooChunLee
43(5) 351-356, 2004
Effects of exercise training and taurine ingestion on blood lipid metabolism in high fat-fed rats 운동영양학 : 운동시 타우린 섭취가 고지방식이 흰쥐의 혈중 지질대사에 미치는 영향
류승필SungPilRyu , 이수천SooChunLee
Taurine (2-aminoethane sulfonic acid), a nonprotein amino add, has hypolipidemic, antiatherosclerotic, and antioxidative effects. Therefore, the purpose of this study is that taurine ingestion and exercise training on blood lipid metabolism in rats. Twenty-one male Sprague-Dawley rats were used as the subjects. They were fed 45% of high fat diet with or without 15g/kg of taurine. In addition, they were exercised on the treadmill at 27m/min, 8% of incline for 4 wks. Sum of fat pads (mesentery, abdomen, epididymal) was significantly lower in taurine supplemented group (p<.05). Blood total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels were significantly reduced in taurine supplemented group compared with un-supplemented taurine groups (p<.05), respectively. Therefore, arteriosclerosis index was also reduced in taurine supplemented group (p<.05). These results suggest that taurine supplementation before exercise might have improvement of blood lipids level and abdominal fat deposition in exercised rats.
Key Words
taurine, exercise, lipid metabolism, rats
The exercise food-supplement for fat oxidation promotion 운동영양학 : 지방산화 증대를 위한 운동보조식품
43(5) 357-365, 2004
The exercise food-supplement for fat oxidation promotion 운동영양학 : 지방산화 증대를 위한 운동보조식품
The fat oxidation capacity in athletes and non-trained human is a important factor their endurance performance. The fat oxidation is increased by not only prolonged training but also foods ie caffeine, carnitine and (-)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA). Caffeine ingestion prior to exercise would promote fat oxidation during prolonged exercise by increasing lipolysis from adipocytes, resulting in promote endurance exercise performance. Carnitine makes role in a transporter fatty acid to mitochondria inner membrane. Carnitine is synthesized from lysine and methionine in liver and kidneys, but carnitine secretion in urine increased by endurance exercise. Carnitine ingestion increases fat oxidation during prolonged exercise in athletes. In addition, carnitine co-ingestion with caffeine has more effective in fat oxidation during exercise. HCA is a component of Garcinia cambogia peel, has been used a spicy in India and Eastern-Asia countries. HCA has the effect on fat oxidation during exercise in athletes or non-trained female and male, inhibiting of malonyl-CoA in cytoplasma in muscle cell. These would indicate that some foods or nutrients can lead to promotion for endurance exercise performance in athletes and effective body fat reduction by enhancing fat oxidation.
Key Words
fat oxidation, endurance performance, body fat
The effect of sports taping on the lower limbs' muscle activities in isokinetic exercise 운동역학 : 등속성 운동 시 스포츠 테이핑이 하지 근육 활동에 미치는 영향
김연정YounJoungKim , 채원식WonSikChae , 이민형MinHyungLee
43(5) 369-375, 2004
The effect of sports taping on the lower limbs' muscle activities in isokinetic exercise 운동역학 : 등속성 운동 시 스포츠 테이핑이 하지 근육 활동에 미치는 영향
김연정YounJoungKim , 채원식WonSikChae , 이민형MinHyungLee
This study compared EMG activities between quadriceps and hamstrings with taping and without taping during isokinetic exercise. For this experimentation, Eight healthy male and female university students performed knee extension and flexion at 180°/s for experimentation, and isometric action at 90° for MVIC(maximam voluntary isometric contraction). Cybex(Cybex340) was used for isokinetic exercise and its statistical analysis was done by paired t-test. After surface electrodes were attached to rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus laterlis, biceps femoris, and serrdtendinosus, averaged EMG and Peak EMG, with taping and without taping, were measured. There were no significant mucsles EMG activities between with taping and without taping except rectus femoris during flexion and biceps femoris during extension The EMG signals of rectus femoris in flexion and biceps femoris in extention were significantly reduced with taping. EMG activities were generally decreased after taping when we examine the whole patterns of data This seems to be due to the fact that by sustaining the vector direction of the muscles, sports taping makes it possible to do an exercise of the same load with just a little activity of muscles. Because the muscles which showed significant statistical differences were all antagonist, we think the taping took the stability supporting role of antagonist, so that EMG activities were reduced. And another possible reason is that it seems to be related to proprioception that manages extension of muscles.
A Study on the Barbell Movement by Increase of Barbells weight during the Jerk 운동역학 : Jerk 동작 시 바벨 중량 증가에 따른 바벨 이동에 관한 연구
송주호JooHoSong , 이석구SeokKuLee
43(5) 377-386, 2004
A Study on the Barbell Movement by Increase of Barbells weight during the Jerk 운동역학 : Jerk 동작 시 바벨 중량 증가에 따른 바벨 이동에 관한 연구
송주호JooHoSong , 이석구SeokKuLee
By analyzing the kinematic cause of change about jerk actions of an elite power lifting athlete using 3-dimensional motion analysis the jerk action the result was as followings.
1. The time consumed for each testee had no relationship with the increase in the weight of the barbell. Especially, one must become skillful so that the elapsed time at Ph2~Ph3 can be short.
2. In case of testee B, the parallel displacement of the barbell goes down vertically when the testee drops it and bends the knee at the same time, but since the width of parallel movement from E3 to E4 is wide, change of stepping direction is required so that the can be moved in upper-vertical direction. In the vertical displacement, lifting upward is most important in Ph2 in which the height of the barbell is high; therefore, such skill at this interval needs to be practiced.
3. The vertical speed of the barbell was fastest at Ph2 and it decreased as the weight increased In addition, a large force must be put on the barbell during E2 in which the barbell is pushed up, and the speed of the barbell must be decreased during E4 when the athlete is in Split formation.
Key Words
split, lifting
Kinetic Analysis of Athletes in Crouching Start Movement 운동역학 : 육상 단거리 크라우칭 스타트 동작의 운동역학적 분석
The aim of this study is to show the effect starting block angle on the starting motion of sprinters using a crouching start. After installing starting blocks on forced platform, and having four highly comparative sprinters use the starting blocks, I analyzed the temporal valuables, segment position, center of mass position, and the enforce amount imposed to the platform at the time of a crouching start. From the results of the analysis, the following conclusions could be drawn:
1. Each subject showed the shortest reaction time in each phase when the starting block angle was set as 50-55˚.
2. The center of mass displacement was greater when starting block was set as 50-55˚.
3. The value of ground reaction force Fy and Fz was greater when the rear starting block angle was set as 50-55˚.
Key Words
center of mass, COM, crouching start, ground reaction force, GRF
The effect of the speed conditions on the gait pattern in treadmill walking of eldery persons 운동역학 : 노인의 트레드밀 보행시 속도에 따른 보행 패턴의 변화 연구
은선덕SeonDeokEun , 이기광KiKwangLee
43(5) 397-404, 2004
The effect of the speed conditions on the gait pattern in treadmill walking of eldery persons 운동역학 : 노인의 트레드밀 보행시 속도에 따른 보행 패턴의 변화 연구
은선덕SeonDeokEun , 이기광KiKwangLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of speed conditions on the gait pattern in treadmill walking of old age. Data were collected by 3d cinematography and video analyzing system. Six male eldery persons were participated in this experiment All subjects performed a walking activity with slow(3.5㎞/h), moderate(4.0㎞/h), fast(4.5㎞/h) speed conditions on treadmill with 10% grade. The changes of lower extremity angles were analyzed during one stride. One-way ANOVA was used to evaluating the statistical significance. The results obtained from this study were as follows:
1. The stance phase was decreased and swing phase was increased as the speed of treadmill was increased in all subjects. But there was no significant difference statistically.
2. All subjects did not show a significant difference in speed conditions of treadmill at major events in mean ankle angle. However, max. ankle angle and ROM(range of motion) during stance phase was augmented as the speed was increased(P<.05).
3. All subjects did not show a significant difference in speed conditions of treadmill at major event in mean knee angle. However, min. ankle angle during stance phase and ROM during swing phase was augmented as the speed was increased(P<.05).
Key Words
lower extremity angles, stance phase, swing phase
The effect of the stair heights on the lower extremity joint moment in stair-ascent activity of elderly persons 운동역학 : 노인의 계단 오르기 활동시 계단 높이가 지지기 동안의 하지 관절 모멘트에 미치는 효과
은선덕SeonDeokEun , 이영석YoungSukLee
43(5) 405-414, 2004
The effect of the stair heights on the lower extremity joint moment in stair-ascent activity of elderly persons 운동역학 : 노인의 계단 오르기 활동시 계단 높이가 지지기 동안의 하지 관절 모멘트에 미치는 효과
은선덕SeonDeokEun , 이영석YoungSukLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the stair heights on the lower extremity joint moment in stair-ascent activity of elderly persons. Data were collected by 3-D cinematography and force platform. Eight male eldery persons were participated in this experiment. All subjects performed a stair-ascent in four different heights of stairs (10, 14, 18, 22cm) having 5 step staircase. The changes of lower extremity joint moments were analyzed during stance phase. The results on the stair-ascent activity of elderly persons were as follows:
First, maximum plantar flexion moment appeared in the 'forward continuance' phase for stair A and B, it occurred in the 'pull-up' phase for stair C and D.
Second, it was shown that the maximum inversion moment of the ankle joint and abduction moment of knee joint were the smallest at stair B. In addition to, the maximum abduction moment of knee joint increased as the stair height become higher.
Third, the maximum extension moment of knee joint was the greatest at stair B.
Fourth, extension moment of hip joint in the 'pull-up' phase decreased significantly for stair C and D. The maximum extension moment at stair A and stair B was extremely great.
Fifth, remarkable value of adduction moment occurred at hip joints and maximum adduction moment increased significantly at stair C
The results of this study demonstrated that the ascent activity at general heights of stair for elderly persons tended to be discomfortable. Moreover, the results indicate that effective height of stairs should be between 14 and 18cm in the place for elderly persons.
Key Words
stair-ascent activity, stair height, lower extremity joint moment
A comparative study of the baseball pitching patterns between skilled and unskilled players 운동역학 : 숙련자와 비숙련자의 야구 투구 동작 비교 연구
임종일JongIlLim , 서정석JungSukSeo
43(5) 415-422, 2004
A comparative study of the baseball pitching patterns between skilled and unskilled players 운동역학 : 숙련자와 비숙련자의 야구 투구 동작 비교 연구
임종일JongIlLim , 서정석JungSukSeo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relative characteristics of pitching motion and analyze the movement of non-throwing arm between two different levels of baseball pitching ability, by using DLT(the direct linear transformation) method of three-dimensional cinematography. Pitching analysis was limited as the movement from lifting left foot on the ground to ball release. And the movement was analyzed about main kinematic variables by phase. Independent t - test was used for determining significance of differences between groups. The results of the study were as follows :
1) The unskilled group's left elbow and wrist joint located at the front of left shoulder until maximal cocking point. And the unskilled group didn't represent the movement that pulling left forearm toward chest.
2) The skilled group had better continuous timing in throwing and non-throwing arm. Also, their movement was closer to link-system The unskilled group was unnatural in maximal linear velocity connection timing of throwing arm and linear velocity changing pattern of non-throwing arm.
3) The skilled group had greater variation of rotation angle of shoulder joint in acceleration phase. In late cocking phase, rotation angular velocity of shoulder joint was increased in the skilled group and decreased in the unskilled group.
4) Angular momentum increased on transverse, anteroposterior, longitudinal axis after the left foot landing point of time in the skilled group. That is to say, the skilled group transferred moment to distal segment after secure the state of stable base of support by rotation of upper body.
Key Words
baseball, pitching, the skilled, non-throwing arm, link-system, angular momentum
Analysis of kinematics and EMG on stepping over obstacles in elderly persons 운동역학 : 장애물 보행에 의한 노인 낙상의 운동학 및 근전도 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristics of the kinematics and muscle activities while elderly persons who had experienced falling stepped over obstacles. Six elderly non-fallers and six elderly fallers stepped ova-obstacles of 0, 2.5, 5.1, 15.2 cm height. The results showed that the duration stepped over the obstacles was longer in female fallers than female non-fallers. The crossing speed in stepping over obstacles was slower in female fallers than female non-fallers. Both male and female showed the longest duration and the slowest speed while stepping over the height of 15.2cm. The distance between the rear edge of the obstacle and the heel after stepping over the obstacle was shorter in female fallers than in female non-fallers. The minimum foot clearance significantly increased in the increases of the height of the obstacles. However, the significant difference between fallers and non-fallers did not showed in the minimum foot clearance. Although no stride length, left stride length, and right stride length differences were found in four obstacles and falling experience, fallers exhibited more conservative strategy when crossing obstacles. Ankle angles in non-fallers showed a certain pattern with increases of the height of the obstacles, but fallers showed unstable dorsiflexion and plantarflexion The knee and hip angles showed a certain pattern without any difference in the height of the obstacles whereas the knee and hip angles showed differences in fallers and non-fallers. The mean EMG did not show any significant difference in the heights of obstacles and falling experience. We concluded that elderly persons who experienced falling stepped over the obstacles with conservative strategy. To prevent and reduce the frequency of falls, elderly persons maintained and improved their mobility.
Relationship between trait of anthropometry and physical fitness level in male university students 체육측정평가학 : 남자 대학생의 인체측정 특성과 체력의 상관연구
43(5) 439-448, 2004
Relationship between trait of anthropometry and physical fitness level in male university students 체육측정평가학 : 남자 대학생의 인체측정 특성과 체력의 상관연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship and clustering between trait of anthropemotry and fitness level in male university students. For this purpose, 26 kinanthropometric analysis variables, skinfolds thickness 8, index 2, ratio 8, physical fitness 8 variables that obtained from 52 male university students were analyzed by Pearson' correlation coefficient and Ouster analysis.
The result were as follows.
1. Skinfolds variables of triceps, subscapular, iliac crest, supraspinale and abdominal were related physical fitness, above all abdominal skinfold related high level physical fitness.
2. In relationship among skinfolds index ,ratio and physical fitness variables, index with physical fitness negative relationship, ratio with physical fitness positive.
3. In physical fitness variables, vertical jump related calf, femur and sit up, sitting trunk flexion related abdominal, and subscapular.
4. Skinfolds variables, index, ratio were classified into duster 2 in standard distance 20 that characterized by ratio, physical fitness and skinfolds, index.
5. Physical fitness level was good when ratio of limb skinfolds to trunk is high, and ratio triceps to subscapular was relatively high.
Key Words
trait, anthropometry, physical fitness
Validation of the Reasons for Exercise Inventory 체육측정평가학 : 운동하는 이유 검사의 구인 타당화
김미예MiYeKim , 이옥진OckJinLee
43(5) 449-460, 2004
Validation of the Reasons for Exercise Inventory 체육측정평가학 : 운동하는 이유 검사의 구인 타당화
김미예MiYeKim , 이옥진OckJinLee
A validation study was conducted on the Reason for Exercise Inventory using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to examine factor structure. Firstly, exploratory factor analysis using common factor model was employed to analyze the data of female college students (n=186). Initial structure was produced from the method of principal axis factoring using SAS version 8.01, and squared multiple correlation (SMC) was selected for estimating prior communality. Orthogonal rotation was used first for examining the factor structure, and obtaining correlation of inter factor scale to decide the requirement of orblique rotation. Then orblique rotation were applied for extracting final factor structure using the methods of Orthoblique. Five factors- appearance related reason, fitness, enjoyment and mood improvement, health, and socializing were extracted and interpreted.
After this analysis, the 7-factor model proposed by Silberstein, Striegel-Moore, Timko, & Rodin (1988), 6-factor model proposed by Davis, Fox, Brewer, & Ratusny (1995), and 5-factor model obtained by common factor analysis from this research were tested using CFA in a sample of female college students (n=237). Generalized least squares method was selected in LISREL version 8.0.
CFA revealed a overall good fit of all three model, but the interpretation of factors in 5 factor model was different from other two models. In the future study, item calibration and revalidation work with variety samples and methods should be conducted.
Key Words
reasons for exercise inventory, construct validity, common factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis
Testing a Model of Burnout in Korean Secondary Physical Education Teachers 체육측정평가학 : 중등 체육교사의 탈진에 관한 모델 검증
43(5) 461-473, 2004
Testing a Model of Burnout in Korean Secondary Physical Education Teachers 체육측정평가학 : 중등 체육교사의 탈진에 관한 모델 검증
Key Words
burnout teacher, LISREL
The Performance Forming Factors of the National Taekwondo Team Athletes 체육측정평가학 : 태권도 국가대표 선수의 경기력 형성 요인
정국현KookHyunJeong , 김현식HyunSikKim
43(5) 475-484, 2004
The Performance Forming Factors of the National Taekwondo Team Athletes 체육측정평가학 : 태권도 국가대표 선수의 경기력 형성 요인
정국현KookHyunJeong , 김현식HyunSikKim
The purpose of this research is to analyze the comprehensive factors of competitive ability in national team taekwondo athletes. In order to achieve this objective, a case study was effected using 3 male and 3 female national team athletes, and 3 male and 2 female national team coaches. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and perusal of relevant literature. Data was treated using an inductive method of analysis, and the study's reliability, relevance, and ethical soundness were sufficiently demonstrated. Factors affecting the competitive ability of national team taekwondo athletes were divided into coaching factors, athlete factors, and environmental factors. A synopsis of the analysis and conclusions of this study are as follows: First, aspects of coaching factors which influence athlete's competitive ability are the personality of the coach and his/her level of specialized knowledge as well as personal development and physical maintenance. Second, aspects of athlete factors influencing competitive ability include physical, technical, psychological, and personal maintenance considerations. Third, environmental factors which influence competitive ability in national team athletes include training facility atmosphere, refereeing, facilities and support.
Key Words
Taekwondo, performance, qualitative case study
The Effect of Fan Involvement on Game Attendance Intention and Purchase Intention of Licensed Products in Professional Basketball 스포츠산업,경영학 : 프로농구 팬의 관여도가 재관람의도 및 라이센싱제품 구매의도에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 이승철SeungChulLee
43(5) 487-498, 2004
The Effect of Fan Involvement on Game Attendance Intention and Purchase Intention of Licensed Products in Professional Basketball 스포츠산업,경영학 : 프로농구 팬의 관여도가 재관람의도 및 라이센싱제품 구매의도에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 이승철SeungChulLee
The professional sport fan makes an important contribution to the success of most professional team primarily through financial support(eg., ticket sales, licensed products sales). Researchers have been interested in the professional fan behaviors as consumer behaviors. However, most of researchers have been focused on game attendance in terms of fan behaviors. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among fan involvement, game attendance intention and purchase intention of licensed products at professional basketball. Subjects(n=378) were collected from professional basketball home game spectators. We estimated the hypothesized structural equation model(SEM) using Amos 4.0.
The results suggest that situational involvement were positively and significantly related to the game attendance intention, purchase intention of licensed products. Also, enduring involvement was positively and significantly related to the game attendance, but was not significantly related to the purchase intention of licensed products. The findings of this study show that professional basketball team marketer have to enhance consumer relationship marketing by providing an environment that promotes the fans' involvement, creates game attendance intention, and purchase intention of licensed products.
Key Words
fan involvement, game attendance intention, purchase intention of licensed products, professional basketball
The Effects of Attributes of Celebrity Athlete Endorser on Effectiveness of Advertising According to Information Types 스포츠산업,경영학 : 정보유형에 따른 스포츠보증인의 속성이 광고효과에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 이준원JunWonLee
43(5) 499-509, 2004
The Effects of Attributes of Celebrity Athlete Endorser on Effectiveness of Advertising According to Information Types 스포츠산업,경영학 : 정보유형에 따른 스포츠보증인의 속성이 광고효과에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 이준원JunWonLee
The purpose of this study was to examine whether favorable attitude and emotion affect attitude toward advertisement (AA), attitude toward brand (AB), corporate image (CI), and purchase intention (PI). It also studies celebrity athlete endorser's effectiveness of advertising under the negative information context. Still more studies regarding effectiveness of advertising and negative information toward celebrity athlete endorser need to be made. Therefore, this study finds out the effects of positive or negative information on effectiveness of advertising and checks that it is effective whether celebrity athlete endorser appears in the advertisement so that it tries to suggest a way of effective advertising through the results of the study. The results are as follows.
First, all the attributes of expertise, attractiveness, reliability, AA, AB, good corporate image (GCI), contribution to society image (CCI), and PI show a significant difference according to the information type. Second, in case of the positive information types, attractiveness and reliability out of the attributes of celebrity athlete endorser show significant effects on AA, AB, and GCI. CCI shows significant effects on attractiveness as PI shows significant effects on reliability. In addition, in case of the negative information types, attractiveness and reliability out of the attributes of celebrity athlete endorser show significant effects on AA and CCI. Expertise and reliability show significant effects on AB and GCI as PI shows significant effects on reliability. Moreover, AA and AB show significant effects on GCI and PI, regardless of information types. Finally, in case of the positive information types, CCI out of the attributes of celebrity athlete endorser shows significant effects on PI. Meanwhile, in case of the negative information types, GCI out of the attributes of celebrity athlete endorser shows significant effects on PI.
The Plan to Attract Golfing Tourists through the Patterns of Golf Course Choice and Pursuit Value 스포츠산업,경영학 : 여행객의 골프장 선택과 추구가치 유형을 통한 유인방안 연구
43(5) 511-522, 2004
The Plan to Attract Golfing Tourists through the Patterns of Golf Course Choice and Pursuit Value 스포츠산업,경영학 : 여행객의 골프장 선택과 추구가치 유형을 통한 유인방안 연구
This study was intended to consider the effective plan to attract golfing tourists through the patterns of golf course choice and value. Collected data from the research were analyzed according to demographical characteristics. As a result, the following study results were obtained: First, it was found that male tourists thought relatively more importantly of both the externalities(specified facility, accessibility, effective operation of the surrounding tourist program, cleanliness and comfortableness, beautiful natural scenery, diverse F&B facilities) and internalities(provision of differentiated service, employee's hospitality, comfortable atmosphere, reputation, detailed information on surrounding tourism) of choice patterns in terms of sex. And it was found that the group of male tourists thought relatively more importantly of goal pursuit(being sociable with family members or friends, doing business smoothly, taking a rest and health management) and energy-pursuit(a sense of achievement and self-fulfillment, certain revitalization, stress relief) of value patterns.
Second, the group of older golfing tourists thought relatively more importantly of the internalities of choice patterns in terms of age. On the other hand, the group of younger golfing tourists thought relatively more importantly of the goal pursuit of value patterns, whereas the group of older golfing tourists thought relatively more importantly of energy-pursuit.
Third, the group of low educational level thought relatively more importantly of the internalities of choice patterns, whereas the group of high educational level thought relatively more importantly of energy-pursuit of value patterns.
Fourth, it was found that the group of professional and self-employed golfing tourists thought relatively more importantly of the internalities of choice patterns in terms of occupation And the group of professional and clerical and managerial tourists thought relatively more importantly of energy-pursuit of value patterns, whereas the group of self-employed tourists thought relatively more importantly of the goal pursuit of value patterns.
Firth, it was found that the group of the low income-level tourists thought relatively more importantly of the externalities of choice patterns in terms of the income level, whereas the group of high income-level tourists thought relatively more importantly of the internalities of choice patterns. In addition, it was found that the group of the high income-level golfing tourists thought relatively more importantly of the goal pursuit and energy pursuit of value patterns.
The Kano Evaluation of Service Quality of Sports Centers: An Empirical Assessment by Items 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠센터 서비스품질의 종목별 Kano 모형적 평가
박진기JinKeePark , 권업UpKwon , 김규정GyuJeongKim
43(5) 523-532, 2004
The Kano Evaluation of Service Quality of Sports Centers: An Empirical Assessment by Items 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠센터 서비스품질의 종목별 Kano 모형적 평가
박진기JinKeePark , 권업UpKwon , 김규정GyuJeongKim
The authors introduce the Kano model to classify sport consumers' service quality perceptions by sport Items. In various fields of study, the Kano model has been used to classify quality attributes based upon their capabilities of increasing customer satisfaction. The classification scheme identifies six facets of quality attributes, including Must-Be, Attractive, One-Dimensional, Questionable, and Reverse.
Three sport items(i.e., fitness, swimming, golf) are used as the experimental products. Consumer responses from three large-scale sport centers are compared by utilizing the Kano classification produced by sport items. Also, Better and Worse indices suggested by Timko(1993) are calculated based upon the Kano Model.
The results of analyses reveal that (1) The Kano classification of sport consumers' service quality perceptions are different by the items as expected. (2) By analyzing Better and Worse indices, we found that capabilities of increasing customer satisfaction or decreasing customer dissatisfaction are different among each quality attributes.
Some implications and future research directions are also discussed.
Key Words
sports center, service quality, kano model, better index, worse index
A Study on the satisfaction of motor boat racing facility by motorboat racing customers' participation type 스포츠산업,경영학 : 경정고객 참여형태에 따른 경정시설 만족도 연구
송국섭KukSupSong , 김종ChongKim
43(5) 533-541, 2004
A Study on the satisfaction of motor boat racing facility by motorboat racing customers' participation type 스포츠산업,경영학 : 경정고객 참여형태에 따른 경정시설 만족도 연구
송국섭KukSupSong , 김종ChongKim
The purpose of this research was to analyse the satisfaction of motor boat racing facility by motorboat racing customers' participation type and to present some information which was needed the atomized marketing strategy for the activation of Motorboat Racing's public utility.
The targets of this research were motorboat racing's spectators. It was examined by 575 people's questionnaires through simple random sampling and self-administration method. The methods of this research were the descriptive statistics, and One-way ANOVA
The results of this research were as following. First of all, main customers for Motorboat Racing were the persons who were graduated from high school, around 40 years old and had a general job. Secondly, Inspection number was below 10 times average, 10% of peoples have been there first time. Also, 247 peoples average were visited and 1/3 of peoples have been there alone. Average batting amount of money was 52,455 won and Average batting amount of money for 1 game was 10,000 won.
Finally, the satisfaction about facilities was generally low. expecially, toilets, booths and restaurants were considered a necessity for the Facilities improvement. Also, Racing businesses have to improve to a wholesome leisure sports through the expansion of facilities for long-term.
Key Words
motorboat racing, facility satisfaction, participation type
A Study on the Determinants of High School Girls for the Watching Professional Soccer Game 스포츠산업,경영학 : 여고생들의 프로축구 경기 관람 결정요인에 관한 연구
심재영JaeYoungShim , 이승용SeungYongLee
43(5) 543-552, 2004
A Study on the Determinants of High School Girls for the Watching Professional Soccer Game 스포츠산업,경영학 : 여고생들의 프로축구 경기 관람 결정요인에 관한 연구
심재영JaeYoungShim , 이승용SeungYongLee
The purpose of this study was to identify the Professional Soccer Game Watching Decision Making Factors and Intention of the Purchase Behavior of women soccer fans who have been alienated from the main stream, in particular high school girls who showed enthusiastic applauds in Korea Japan World Cup in 2002, and to provide basic materials to establish target marketing strategies for high school girls. The subjects of this study were limited to high school girls. Four high schools in Seoul were selected and 'Convenience sampling Abstraction' from nonprobability sampling Abstraction was used. Five hundred copies of the survey were distributed and 462 answers were used for actual analysis. The tools that were used for the survey regarding professional soccer game watching decision making factors was created by modifying the survey written by Young-nam Jeong (1999), and Hye-seung Lee (2002) and regarding professional soccer purchase behavior intention was created by modifying the survey written by Hyeon-hwan Oh (1999), and Ri-ah Kim (2002). To identify demographical characteristics of the students, frequency analysis was used. One way-ANOVA was used to identify the difference in perception regarding purchase behavior intention and in-site game watching decision-making factors according to their demographical characteristics of the students.
Following are the study results from the aforementioned study process. When looking into the perception difference regarding game watching decision making factors according to the demographical characteristics of the students, there were differences in preferred game from stadium factors, in monthly income, interest and preferred game from star players and team factors, in grade from playing competencies, and there was no significant variable in fan service and game schedule.
Key Words
determinants, target marketing
The Effects of Service Quality on the Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention in the Korea Golf Clubs 스포츠산업,경영학 : 국내 골프장의 서비스품질이 고객만족과 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향
이상석SangSukLee , 이승주SeungJooLee
43(5) 553-567, 2004
The Effects of Service Quality on the Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention in the Korea Golf Clubs 스포츠산업,경영학 : 국내 골프장의 서비스품질이 고객만족과 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향
이상석SangSukLee , 이승주SeungJooLee
This research analysed the impact of service quality of golf dubs on the customer satisfaction in Korea First of all, we reviewed the existing literature on measurement of service quality and management. As a result of this review and survey of the employer in golf dub, thirteen factors emerged as important to the service management of the golf dub; Reservation and Accessibility, Golf course and Convenience facilities, Personal services and After services.
The regression analysis was utilized for analyzing the influence of service quality factors upon the customer satisfaction.
On the basis of the results, the conclusion were drawn as follows;
1. The service quality factors have a statistically significant impact on the customer satisfaction of the golf dub.
2. There are statistically significant differences in consumer's satisfaction across sample characteristics, which are gender, age, possession of membership, differences in experience of domestic or foreign golf courses. and monthly number of playing rounds.
3. The customer's satisfaction has a statistically significant effect on the customer's intention of visiting the golf courses.
Key Words
service quality, customer satisfaction, golf dub
The Effect of Sport Web Site Characteristics on Building of Brand Equity 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠 웹 사이트 특성이 브랜드자산 구축에 미치는 영향
43(5) 569-578, 2004
The Effect of Sport Web Site Characteristics on Building of Brand Equity 스포츠산업,경영학 : 스포츠 웹 사이트 특성이 브랜드자산 구축에 미치는 영향
Sport marketers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of building brand equity. One way to create and fortify a strong brand is to create a consumer-based web on the internet. The web enhances the richness of communication because it enables the interaction between sport teams and its fans, and among fans. It is important to remember that sport teams can only create web brand equity if the team is able through a simple and interactive way. Although the strategies building web brand equity is beginning to be implemented by sport marketers, there has been little sport-specific research available to guide their efforts. Thus The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the characteristics of the professional sport team's web site(contents, interactivity, and community) and determinants (brand awareness, brand image, brand association, and brand loyalty) of the web brand equity. Data were collected by using Web-based consumer survey. 322 surveys were returned usable for the analysis. The study results confirmed that well-organized contents and community have impacts on forming the positive brand image. Activation of the community had an effect on attaining the brand awareness. In addition, community effects and contents of the web had impact on forming strong user-brand relationship. Finally, the characteristics of the team's web site had impact on team brand loyalty.
Key Words
web site, brand equity, brand loyalty
A Study on Value Constitution Factors of Taekwondo Practices and Practices Satisfaction Among Elementary School Students 사회체육학 : 어린이의 태권도 수련가치 구성요인과 수련만족도
김석련SeokRyonKim , 서진교JinGyoSeo
43(5) 581-591, 2004
A Study on Value Constitution Factors of Taekwondo Practices and Practices Satisfaction Among Elementary School Students 사회체육학 : 어린이의 태권도 수련가치 구성요인과 수련만족도
김석련SeokRyonKim , 서진교JinGyoSeo
This study has an intention of finding central values of TaeKwondo practices. For this study, contents analysis was used to explore the practices values of Taekwondo. First, 1,669 value items are collected from the 489 relevant literatures including dissertations which are published until the end of 2003. Second, these items are reduced to 79 items through the six times classified process. And then using these items, the measurement is developed to survey the consensus of TaeKwondo practices values. Elementary school student practitioner are subjects of this survey. Among them, 424 available survey are used in final analysis. The study results follow:
The central value factor of Taekwondo practices consists of 7 superior categories: development of nature, improvement of spirit, development of physical strength, improvement of orderliness sense, attitude of affirmation, progressiveness, attitude of honest. In short, these seven categories and subsequent factors in each category explain 40.94% of how constitutes of Taekwondo practices are evaluated. In the difference of value factor according to the practices term, Long-term practitioner estimate higher than the short-term practitioner on the categories of the development of nature, improvement of spirit, development of body, progressiveness, and attitude of affirmation. But Except for facility factor, in the difference of practices satisfactions factor according to the practices term, Long-term practitioner estimate higher than the short-term practitioner on the all categories. All values of TaeKwondo practices relation to satisfactions factor positively. Partly, values factor of TaeKwondo practices has effect on satisfactions factor.
Key Words
Taekwondo, practice value, practice satisfaction
Structure Analysis of Sports Center Athletic Leader's Job Acquisition Networks 사회체육학 : 스포츠센터 체육지도자의 직업획득 연결망 구조분석
박창범ChangBeomPark , 임수원SooWoenLim
43(5) 593-601, 2004
Structure Analysis of Sports Center Athletic Leader's Job Acquisition Networks 사회체육학 : 스포츠센터 체육지도자의 직업획득 연결망 구조분석
박창범ChangBeomPark , 임수원SooWoenLim
The primary purpose of this study is to analyze the Structure Analysis of Athletic Leader's Job Acquisition Network of Athletic leaders who work at Sport Center. The subject of this study were selected 188 leaders by the sampling method in sport center located in Daegu Metropolitan city. The data collected through the questionnaire designed for this study and consisted of items about personal characteristics, working sports center, and personal network. The questionnaire was used after testing validity and reliability through pilot study.
The methods of statistics used to analyze the collected data were descriptive analysis, cross-tabulation, and frequency analysis. Based on the procedures and results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn :
First, personal network was more used rather than formal methods in the process of getting job informations. More over, in this study to examine degree about network use of individual characters and construction patterns, in relation to sex network using degree did not show meaningful difference and in relation to ages it turned out that show meaningful difference.
Secondly, the network patterns used in the process of taking jobs were composed of 8 patterns which had little differences between the networks given information and real help but the networks given information to getting jobs consisted mostly of schoolmates, coworkers who had worked at the same sports center together, and teachers or professors taught themselves etc. Also it showed that in the networks to use these informations especially the colleagues had worked together in the past such as schoolmates gave helps.
Key Words
athletic leader, job acquisition network
A Study on the Quality Management of Qualification Training of Rafting Guides 사회체육학 : 래프팅가이드 자격연수의 질 관리에 관한 연구
박철수ChulSooPark , 차성기SeongKiCha
43(5) 603-614, 2004
A Study on the Quality Management of Qualification Training of Rafting Guides 사회체육학 : 래프팅가이드 자격연수의 질 관리에 관한 연구
박철수ChulSooPark , 차성기SeongKiCha
Rafting activities were expanded to pay more attention to training of new rafting guides to do safety managements and to encourage sound leisures, so that the quality management of the qualification training became very much important to release a license in accordance with national level training course. The purpose of this study examined actual conditions of the qualification of rafting guides and the ones who participated in the training of rafting guides. The subjects were 381 persons who joined in the training at the rivers such as the Naerincheon, the Geumkang and the Kyeonghokang. The study examined degree of satisfactions, cognition of quality managements and degree of demand, etc by questionnaire survey to analyze material by a descriptive analysis and one-way ANOVA
The findings were obtained as follows, The rafting guides were found to train by not only the quality management process in accordance with the Law of Water Leisure Safety as well as rafting guide curriculum related ordinances but also associated training organizations. The quality management of training level programs differed a little from that of educational contents.
There was 5% of significant difference of the evaluation method, the number of trainers per class and the participation expenses, etc of the satisfactions of training course. The training programs had problems such as follows: The autonomy of program between training organizations occupied the highest ratio, that is, 35.2%, while the use of license holders at the reliability of qualification training did the highest ratio, that is, 45.4%. And, established quality management system, specialized evaluation members and follow-up of license holders, etc indicated very high demand degree.
In conclusion, the study suggested followings despite a little difficulty of interpretation of overall quality managements. Firstly, the cognition of quality managements needs to be elevated to improve public qualification. Secondly, the qualification is to be reinforced to management quality strictly. Thirdly, concerned governmental department shall discuss with qualification organizations to management quality of management. Finally, the values of qualification are to be raised after making a quality management model.
Key Words
rafting guide, quality management
The Career Success Attitude for University Handball player, basket ball Players and student of majored physical education 사회체육학 : 대학 핸드볼, 농구선수 및 체육전공 학생의 진로성공태도 분석
43(5) 615-624, 2004
The Career Success Attitude for University Handball player, basket ball Players and student of majored physical education 사회체육학 : 대학 핸드볼, 농구선수 및 체육전공 학생의 진로성공태도 분석
The purpose of this study is to investigate on the career success attitude for university handball players, basket ball player and student of majored physical education. For the purpose, 369 university subjects completed the questionnaire for "Career Success Attitude Scale" by Kim and Lee (2003). The subjects were university handball players 55, university basket ball players 75, and majored physical education or sports science in university 235. To assess of the theoretical model in career success attitude, multi group test in Structural Equation Models was used. Data analysis were adapted by SPSS for Windows and EQS for MS-Dos version. SPSS for windows was used for basic statistics and EQS forDos was used for multi group test. The results are followed: There is significant differences between university handball players and basket ball players on subfactor in the career success attitude. But there is not significant differences between university handball players and majored physical education or sports science in university students.
Key Words
handball, career success attitude
The effects of Sports Program Participation in Community Center to the Sense of Community focused on by Local Governments 사회체육학 : 주민자치센터의 생활체육 프로그램 참여가 커뮤니티 의식에 미치는 영향
이강우KangWooLee , 홍상민SangMinHong , 이제승JeSeungLee
43(5) 625-633, 2004
The effects of Sports Program Participation in Community Center to the Sense of Community focused on by Local Governments 사회체육학 : 주민자치센터의 생활체육 프로그램 참여가 커뮤니티 의식에 미치는 영향
이강우KangWooLee , 홍상민SangMinHong , 이제승JeSeungLee
Modern society is faced with the speedy changes characterized globalization, informatization, democratization and localization. Korean governments opened community center in Dong level as some parts of public services of Dong office transferred to the upper level governments according to the ideal of " small but efficient government". Community center in Dong level newly became a center of the citizens' welfare as the functions of Dong office moved to the higher level of local governments.
The major objectives of the community center could be offering sports activity programs, social welfare services, supporting the daily lives of the residents, offering the culture and arts programs. Also, building up the sense of community is one of the important function of community center.
This study aims to analyze the effects of participation in community center to the sense of community and suggest some policy alternatives for the development of sports administration at the governments level. For the study subjects participants in sports program Sung Dong Gu residents were set up, and total sample of 515 copies were collected using the multi-stage stratified sampling.
In order to attain this aim, in this study, five research hypotheses are made and testified by questionnare by Yun Jong Kook(1999). The method of statistics used to analyse the collected dates are frequency analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis of SPSSWIN.
As results of this analyses, major findings are as follows:
First, age and income affects the sense of community of the residents who are or have been participating in the community center sports activity program.
Second, the length of sports activity participation time of affects the sense of community
Third, satisfaction does not affect the sense of community.
Forth, recognizing the effect of sports activity participating in the community center program is significant to the building the sense of community.
Fifth, activities in recreation, have the most strong effects on building the sense of community.
Key Words
community center, sense of community
A Study on the effect of exercise in Kuk Sun Do's Dan-jeon Breathing 사회체육학 : 국선도 단전호흡 수련의 운동효과에 관한 연구 (60세 이상 성인병이 있는 고령자를 대상으로)
이광호KwangHoLee , 이승범SeungBumLee , 원영신YoungShinWon
43(5) 635-645, 2004
A Study on the effect of exercise in Kuk Sun Do's Dan-jeon Breathing 사회체육학 : 국선도 단전호흡 수련의 운동효과에 관한 연구 (60세 이상 성인병이 있는 고령자를 대상으로)
이광호KwangHoLee , 이승범SeungBumLee , 원영신YoungShinWon
The Purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Kuk-Sun-Do's Dan-Jeon Breathing Program for degenerative patients in aged over 60yrs which has been trained for 30weeks on weight, rate of body fat, rate of abdominal fatness, basal metabolic rate, blood pressure, glucose, triglyceride, total cholestero, LDL-C, HDL-C Statistical analysis were performed using analysis of paird t-test, accepting level for all significance was above α=.05
The data was showed Results of this study are following,
Frist, The Weight, Rate of body fat(P<.05), Rate of abdominal fatness(P<.05), Basal metabolic rate(P<.05), Blood pressure(P<.05)were showed differences between pre and post after the Kuk-Sun-do Dan-Jeon Breathing prgram
Second, Total cholesterol was significantly decreased after program(P<.05), but Glucose, Triglyceride, LDL-C HDL-C were not showed significantly differences between pre and post.
These Results of this study indicate that Kuk-Sun-Do Dan-Jeon Breating program decreases the risk of degenerative disease and the treatment of its.
The Analysis on the Articles related to Administrative Working of Physical Education in the Law 사회체육학 : 법령상의 체육행정작용 관련조항의 분석
43(5) 647-655, 2004
The Analysis on the Articles related to Administrative Working of Physical Education in the Law 사회체육학 : 법령상의 체육행정작용 관련조항의 분석
The purpose of this study is to analyse the articles related to administrative working of physical education in the law. The subject of this study is the present law promulgated untill December 31 in 2003. The articles related to the administrative working of physical education were analysed by act, presidential decree and ordinance of the prime/ministerial ordinance, and by 22ministries. The results are as follows;
1. In total 28 acts related to the administrative working of physical education ; Ministry of Government Administration & Home Affairs showed extremely much influence with 10 acts, and Ministry of Health & Welfare and Ministry of Labor equally showed extremely least influence with 1 related article in 1 act.
2. In total 53 presidential decrees related to the administrative working of physical education ; Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development with 11 decrees and Ministry of Nation Defense with 7 decrees equally showed extremely much influence with 21 related articles. In turn, Ministry of Government Administration & Home Affairs, and Ministry of Culture & Tourism, and Ministry of Construction & Transportation, and Ministry of Health & Welfare, and Ministry of Finance & Economy, and Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, and Ministry of Planning & Budget, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Energy, Ministry of Information & Communication, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries equally showed extremely least influence with 1 related article in 1 decree.
3. In total 34 ordinances of the prime minister/ministerial ordinances related to the administrative working of physical education ; Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development showed extremely much influence with 13 related articles in ordinances, and Ministry of Finance & Economy and Ministry of Labor equally showed extremely least influence with 1 related article in 1 ordinance.
Key Words
law, act, decree, ordinance
The Effect of the Citizens' Sports facility of the Satisfaction Model on the Facility Image and Revisit 사회체육학 : 시민 생활스포츠시설 서비스품질 만족유형이 이미지와 재방문에 미치는 영향
정길상GilSangJung , 김학신HakShinKim , 권은택EunTaekKwon
43(5) 657-666, 2004
The Effect of the Citizens' Sports facility of the Satisfaction Model on the Facility Image and Revisit 사회체육학 : 시민 생활스포츠시설 서비스품질 만족유형이 이미지와 재방문에 미치는 영향
정길상GilSangJung , 김학신HakShinKim , 권은택EunTaekKwon
This study was intended to provide the suggestions for the effective management plan of citizens' sports facility. For this purpose, it attempted to compare the difference in users' expectation towards and satisfaction with the service quality of the civic sports facility and analyze the effect of the satisfaction model on the facility image and revisit.
As a result, it was found that respondents were not so much satisfied with the factors other than the superior facility, the comfortable natural environment and the clean restroom as expected. This implies that it is necessary to consider the plan to resolve it immediately. Especially, it was found that service quality had a significant effect on users' facility image, but relatively specialized services such as consideration and benefit for citizens, diverse incidental facilities, convenient accessibility, ease of use and the like had a high effect on the image.
And it was found that speedy information provision, settlement of the discomfort in use, kind answer on the telephone, users-centered use system and the like, services differentiated from specialized services such as consideration and benefit for citizens, diverse incidental facilities, convenient accessibility, ease of use and the like, had a very significant effect on users' revisit.
The Effects of Etiquette Execution of Elementary School Students Attending Taekwondo Academy Affecting their Emotions 사회체육학 : 초등학교 태권도 수련생들의 예절 실천이 정서에 미치는 영향
정억순EugSunJeong , 유근직KunJickYoo
43(5) 667-674, 2004
The Effects of Etiquette Execution of Elementary School Students Attending Taekwondo Academy Affecting their Emotions 사회체육학 : 초등학교 태권도 수련생들의 예절 실천이 정서에 미치는 영향
정억순EugSunJeong , 유근직KunJickYoo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of etiquette execution of elementary school students attending Taekwondo academy to affect their emotions. In order to do so, during the three weeks of June 440 students attending Taekwondo academy in the four cities of Kangwon district was surveyed as subjects. The researcher modified the questionnaire developed by SY. Kang(2000) & HB. Hur(2002). Pilot study was conducted on 30 students attending KN Taekwondo academy to measure the validity of the instrument, and Cronbach's α was used to measure reliability of it. The reliability coeffcient for it was found to be α=.728-.866. In order to assess the influence for their etiquette execution to affect their emotions, a five point Likert Scale was used. The used statistical methods for the data analysis were descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. For all analysis of the research questions, an alpha level of .05 was used.
The major findings obtained from this study were as follows: First, in relation to the level of etiquette execution, there was no differences between male and female students. Second, in connection with the areas, there was statistically significant differences in conducting etiquettes between city students and local students, especially in behavior, greeting, talking, visiting etiquettes. Third, in relation with the training period, there was no significant differences. Fourth, their etiquette execution, especially in greeting, talking, visiting, telephone etiquettes, had an great effect on their emotions during their elementary school years.
Key Words
etiquette, emotion, taekwondo
The Influence of College Students' Participation in Dance Activity Classes on Their Participant Satisfaction, K-POMS & Life Satisfaction 사회체육학 : 대학생의 무용활동 참여만족이 기분상태(K-POMS)와 생활만족에 미치는 영향
43(5) 675-685, 2004
The Influence of College Students' Participation in Dance Activity Classes on Their Participant Satisfaction, K-POMS & Life Satisfaction 사회체육학 : 대학생의 무용활동 참여만족이 기분상태(K-POMS)와 생활만족에 미치는 영향
This study on The Influence of College Students' Participation in Dance Activity Classes on Their Participant Satisfaction, K-POMS & Life Satisfaction.
Subject for this study consisted of 234 in student the methods of statistics used to analyze the collect data are One-Way ANOVA, Simple Regression analysis & Multiple Regression analysis. Result obtained from this research are as follows :
1. There was no difference in Participant Satisfaction, K-POMS & Life Satisfaction to individual characteristics.
2. Participant Satisfaction incentive have an effect on K-P0MS.
3. Participant Satisfaction incentive have an effect on life Satisfaction
4. K-POMS incentive have an effect on life Satisfaction Participant Satisfaction has a drict effect on life Satisfaction and an indirect effect through K-P0M3, as well.
Key Words
participant satisfaction, K-POMS, life satisfaction
Analysis on the tendency of Leisure Study 여가,레크리에이션학 : 여가 연구 경향 분석
김기용GiYongKim , 김헌일HunIlKim
43(5) 689-703, 2004
Analysis on the tendency of Leisure Study 여가,레크리에이션학 : 여가 연구 경향 분석
김기용GiYongKim , 김헌일HunIlKim
The purpose of this study is to address the current issue toward leisure study which is based on the analysis on the tendency to leisure study, and to provide information and knowledge which can make leisure study come into scientific field of study. The results of this study is as follow:
1) The study focused on leisure is continually increasing, which means people's interests throughout entire society are getting bigger, and the diversity in a branch of study and subjects prove that multi-scientific and total-social character on leisure study have been preformed. In particular, economic crisis since IMF and the increase of interest in 5 day work week day influence on policies and industry which is related to leisure study. It is regretful that leisure study is not secured as a theological field of study and the study which is conducted by national level is being decreased.
2) we found that there are common points between topic and subject between each study, which shows that there soon will be a cooperation among studies. Of course, many scholars have already warned the danger of narrow research on leisure study, therefore, joint study between each field should be performed more objectively as soon as possible so that it could make leisure study as a more meaningful and prospective field of study.
3) Leisure studies being performed in domestic level have been so much focused on survey and literature research. In contrast, we found that various research method are being used, which we can predict the future of leisure study positively. However, comparing to other field of study, sports study including leisure study is tend to depend on questionnaire, which is not desirable as a sports study which is located in quantitatively and historically advanced position.
Key Words
leisure study, tendency
A Cross-Culture Study the Model of Leisure Sports Adherence Behavior 여가,레크리에이션학 : 여가 스포츠 지속행동 모형의 비교문화연구
43(5) 705-717, 2004
A Cross-Culture Study the Model of Leisure Sports Adherence Behavior 여가,레크리에이션학 : 여가 스포츠 지속행동 모형의 비교문화연구
The purpose of this study was to examine the potential predictors of leisure sport participation intent and adherence using a proposed cultural specific theoretical model sensitive to the philosophical traits of a particular culture. In order to explain the differences in leisure sports activities participation between American and Korean cultures, the Theory of Reasoned Action(TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB), and Modified Theory of Confucian Reasoned Action(MTCRA)were used. Results showed a striking common between Korean and American participants' intention to participate and related participation adherence in the Korean and American emphasis upon face saving(FS) and group conformity pressure(GCP) when making participation decisions. Korean and American participants were found to be similar with regard to stronger intentions, perceived behavior control(PBC), and attitude(Aact) functionally determinating participation behavior. Additionally, American study participants who were confident in their health and economic (Healthy and economic respondents) indicated participating intention and FS for leisure sports. Recommendations for the further exploration of a variety of variables that may functionally relate to leisure sports adherence behavior are last provided.
Key Words
attitude, face saving, group conformity pressure, perceived behavior control, intention
The model building study of Flow Experience, Leisure Attitude and Serious Leisure Sports Experience by leisure participants 여가,레크리에이션학 : 전문적 여가참여와 몰입경험, 여가태도의 인과 모형 설정에 관한 연구
43(5) 719-727, 2004
The model building study of Flow Experience, Leisure Attitude and Serious Leisure Sports Experience by leisure participants 여가,레크리에이션학 : 전문적 여가참여와 몰입경험, 여가태도의 인과 모형 설정에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to building study of flow experience, leisure attitude and serious leisure sports experience by leisure participants. In order to meet this purpose, Serious Leisure leisure sports experience(SLSES) developed by 박수정(2004), Flow experience developed by Omodei & Wearing(1990) was used to translate and analyze its adaptability in Koreans. Attitude Scale(LAS) developed by Bread & Ragheb(1982). A total of 227 sample who were participants in leisure sports was used for data analysis.
The statistic package used in the analysis is measured to make use of the LISREL 8.3.
Results obtained from this research are as follows: First, Serious Leisure leisure sports experience were 3 sub domain among original four were statistically fit with proposed model Second, Leisure Attitude Scale(LAS) were 2 sub domain among original three were statistically fit with proposed model. Finally, the relationship between leisure participants' serious leisure sports experience, flow experience and leisure attitude were positive effects.
Key Words
serious leisure, flow, leisure attitude, LISREL
The Effect of the Therapeutic Recreational Program Improve on the Sociality of the Youth with Physical Disabilities 특수체육학 : 치료레크리에이션 프로그램이 지체장애 청소년의 사회성 향상에 미치는 영향
남희은HeeEunNam , 이현수HyunSuLee
43(5) 731-743, 2004
The Effect of the Therapeutic Recreational Program Improve on the Sociality of the Youth with Physical Disabilities 특수체육학 : 치료레크리에이션 프로그램이 지체장애 청소년의 사회성 향상에 미치는 영향
남희은HeeEunNam , 이현수HyunSuLee
The study was conducted with two groups of 12 youths each, one as experimental group and the other as controlled group, to develop a therapeutic recreational program that can improve the sociality of the youth with physical disabilities.
The therapeutic recreation program was applied 24 sessions of times for 3 weeks and the result of sociality improvement was measured through sociality questionnaire, and the performance measure of the experimental group.
As for the composition of the sociality questionnaire, the question items of Cha, Young-hee(1995), Kim, Dong-hwan(1992), Lee Wui-hwan(1995), and were checked twice as pre-test and the post-test results were reflected in composing a suitable questionnaire for the research.
And to ensure the soundness of sociality analysis of the youth with physical disabilities, not only the paired t-test, One-way ANOVA, and ANCOVA were applied but also the experimental group was interviewed.
Based on the results, the conclusions were drawn as follows:
In area of trust, leadership, industry, stability, sodality, sacrifice, law abiding, the experimental group showed some improvement after the program applied, while there was no indication of improvement in the control group. The trust level appeared higher in the experimental group than in the control group.
In area of autonomy, the experimental group showed some improvement after the program applied, while there was no indication of improvement in the control group, and in that matter it appeared that there was no difference between the experimental group and the control group.
So on the foundation of theses findings, the program to promote the sociality of the youth with physical disabilities was built.
Key Words
the therapeutic recreation program, physical disabilities, the sociality
A Qualitative Study on Expertise of a Dance Educator 무용학 : 무용교사의 전문성에 관한 질적 연구
43(5) 747-755, 2004
A Qualitative Study on Expertise of a Dance Educator 무용학 : 무용교사의 전문성에 관한 질적 연구
The purpose of this study was to explore factors on expertise of a dance educator in order to provide basic information for teacher education. life history approach with in-depth interview, individual interview with a colleague, and personal writings was employed to describe and analysis data Data analysis included reducing data to conceptual themes and categories that identified as factors affecting expertise development of a dance educator. The major results of the study can summarized according to the research problem. It was found that factors affecting expertise development included numerous teaching experience before getting pre-teacher education, social relations, and teaching instruction. These factors played interacting roles coming outside and specified expertise as a dance educator.
Key Words
dance educator, expertise, life history
A Story of Dance Education from a Film 무용학 : 영화로 읽는 무용교육 이야기
박중길JungGilPark , 김현남HyunNamKim
43(5) 757-766, 2004
A Story of Dance Education from a Film 무용학 : 영화로 읽는 무용교육 이야기
박중길JungGilPark , 김현남HyunNamKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the meaning of dance education from a film in order to provide the status of the field of dance education and its existential problems in Korea. For this, Billy Elliot was selected and analyzed. Billy Elliot is the heartwarming story of a young boy from a working-class family who discovers a passion that will change his life forever. Eleven-year-old miner's son Billy Elliot is on his way to boxing lessons when he stumbles upon a ballet class. The results of this study are follow as; First, dance should be a education based on humanistic meeting between teacher and student. second, dance education should be supposed to teach with committment and fashion. Third, it is absolutely important that teaching and learning dance need courage to teach, respect, and understanding.
Key Words
dance educator, dance education
Preliminary Study on the Assesment Tool of Dancing Techniques based on Kang Sun Young's Taepyung-Mu 무용학 : 강선영류 태평무를 대상으로 한 춤사위 평가 방안에 대한 기초연구
박태섭TaeSeopPark , 송문숙MoonSukSong
43(5) 767-777, 2004
Preliminary Study on the Assesment Tool of Dancing Techniques based on Kang Sun Young's Taepyung-Mu 무용학 : 강선영류 태평무를 대상으로 한 춤사위 평가 방안에 대한 기초연구
박태섭TaeSeopPark , 송문숙MoonSukSong
Taepyung-Mu, the Korea Intangible Cultural Asset No. 92, is one of the representative and outstanding Korean traditional Dances and known as the most difficult dance to master since mastering Taepyung-Mu requires to overcome extremely high degree of the difficulty of dancing techniques. Due to the high degree of difficulties in dancing techniques, objective evaluation method of the Taepyung-Mu performance is hardly developed so far. In this study Taepyung-Mu techniques has been structurally categorized through the expert's reviews for confirming and selecting major dancing techniques. Using the confirmed and selected dancing techniques, assesment tool has been developed to be used in scoring for the major dancing techniques. Three evaluation tables are developed for the upper body, the lower body, and the whole body, each consisted of six major dancing techniques. The developed assesment tool has been actually applied in evaluating dancing techniques of TaePyoung-Mu for five(5) dance performers. The evaluation has been conducted by ten(10) examiners of Taepyung-Mu. The evaluation results has been statistically analysed using SPSS for Window Ver. 10 to examine the reliability of the developed assesment tool. The ANOVA(analysis of variance) has been performed to confirm the reliability of the assesment tool. The reliability of the assesment tool is also confirmed using internal-consistency method. The statistical analyses show that the assesment tool is reliable in using for teaching and evaluating the Kang Sun Young's Taepyung-Mu with some complementary study to consolidate the completeness.
The effects of body image on dance performance and eating disorder in dancers 무용학 : 무용수의 바디이미지에 대한 태도가 무용수행 및 섭식장애에 미치는 영향
송은주EunJooSong , 김정자JungJaKim
43(5) 779-789, 2004
The effects of body image on dance performance and eating disorder in dancers 무용학 : 무용수의 바디이미지에 대한 태도가 무용수행 및 섭식장애에 미치는 영향
송은주EunJooSong , 김정자JungJaKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of cause and effect among each variables, through survey on effect dancers' body images on their dance performances and eating disorders after making the structure model of relation of them. Women dancers in Art high schools, universities and professional dance corps in Seoul, Daegu, Busan as of January 2004 became the subjects in this research. In sampling these groups was collected by using stratified cluster sampling. 312 samples were used to the statistics in total 340 samples.
In this research and procedures, we can get the following conclusions. : 1. Dancer's obsession about weight, social physical anxiety and physical dissatisfaction affect significantly performance anxiety. 2 Dancer's social physical anxiety affects dance achievement stress. 3. Dancer's obsession about weight, social physical anxiety affect eating disorder. 4. Dancer's dance achievement stress affects eating disorder. 5. Dancer's obsession about weight and dance achievement stress have direct effects on eating disorder and social physical anxiety affects indirectly eating disorder through dance achievement stress.
Key Words
body image, social physique anxiety, eating disorder
A Qualitative Approach to the Effects of Pilates Exercise 무용학 : 필라티스 운동참여 효과에 관한 질적 접근
칼랜다정희JungHeeKallander , 박명숙MyoungSookPark
43(5) 791-803, 2004
A Qualitative Approach to the Effects of Pilates Exercise 무용학 : 필라티스 운동참여 효과에 관한 질적 접근
칼랜다정희JungHeeKallander , 박명숙MyoungSookPark
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of pilates training on physical, cognitive, and psychological change of the individual. The pilates method of body conditioning was developed Joseph H. Pilates. Five subjects were selected by ideal case selection of qualitative research and participated in pilates training program for seven weeks. The program was consisted of mat, reformer, individual needs(cadillac, high chair, wunda chair, barrels, magic circle), and the wall exercise. Deep interview and participants observation were collected and the data gathered was described, analyzed, and interpreted.
The results of the study show that the major effects of pilates training are physical, cognitive, and psychological change. This results suggest that pilates training programs can be applicable to everyone.
Key Words
pilates method, physical & mental health
The actual Conditions of Physique and Relationship of Body Composition and Physical Fitness of High School Students 발육,발달학 : 고등학생의 체격실태와 신체구성과 체력과의 관련성
43(5) 807-818, 2004
The actual Conditions of Physique and Relationship of Body Composition and Physical Fitness of High School Students 발육,발달학 : 고등학생의 체격실태와 신체구성과 체력과의 관련성
In order to present the best body composition for physical fitness, and diagnosis a pyknic's physical fitness, after I grasp the tendency of growth and development of physique and physical fitness of high school students, and examinate the relation of physical fitness and body composition, I have investigated 606 high school students. I have checked body dimension, physical fitness (8 categories) and bio-electrical impedance, and analysed them by sexes. As a result, I arrived at the following conclusion:
1. The Tendency of Body Dimension by Sex and Age
Male Students: While they didn't show much difference in physique depending on ages, the width of humerus which represents the growth of bones showed significant difference. It was a little bigger when they were 16 or 17 rather than 15.
Female Students: While height was almost similar regardless of ages, the weight and girth were a bit higher when they were 17 rather than 15 or 16. Body fat didn't show any significant difference between sexes.
2. The Tendency of Body Fitness Development
Male Students: Muscular strength and muscular endurance increased significantly as they got older. However, agility, power and balance decreased when they were 17(the 3rd grade).
Female Students: Unlike male students, muscular strength had increased until they became 16, and then decreased when they were 17. Muscular endurance and body endurance decreased after the age of 15( the 1st grade).
3. The Relationship of Body Fitness and Body Composition
The Correlations of Body Fitness and Body Composition: As both males and females had more body fat, their physical fitness decreased in most categories except muscular strength. Especially as male students got more body fat, they showed a good example of relation, except in balance. As female students got more body fat, they showed that it was very relevant with only muscular strength and flexibility, not muscular endurance, agility and body endurance.
The Grade of Body Fitness and Body Fat: The distribution of body fat whose grade was high in each category was placed between 15% - 17% for men and 15% -17% for women.